CHAPTER 6: Another Chance?!

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SHIT! This is going to be tougher than I thought. Even though I don't blame her. All of this, is after all, for a bet.

She created a whole scene in yelling at me, probably not realizing her voice echos and everybody looked at us. Mostly me.

My friends in particular were at their lockers watching the whole thing laughing. Which that's just great because that's really humiliating and frustrating too because I don't like to lose. I need to find a way to make her believe me.

It took me the first few periods to think of a way to have her trust me. By the end of the day, I still hadn't thought of anything. So instead, I just made sure people were watching as I tried to approach her.

"Hey Korinna." I greet her with my hands in both my pockets.

"What do you want?! Why can't you just leave me alone?" She asks irritated.

"Because I know I've treated you like shit for years and I was thinking about the other day when you and I used to play in the fort we built out of scraps from the junkyard. I walked by there the other day and it made me realize how much I missed that." I tell her. Which I think it's pretty good.

"Please don't assume I'm stupid okay?" She scowls at me before slamming her locker shut and stomping off.

"Wait!" I call out while running up in front of her, cutting her off.

"I know you don't trust me but, I really want us to be friends again." I try and convince her.

She looks at me for a moment and then finally says something while breaking the awkward moment of silence.

"I'll think about it." She tells me.

"Okay." I half smile at her.

Already though I can see the effect I have on her the closer I am. She does like me still. This might not be as bad as I thought. I stand there while watching her walk away.

My friends all start to come up to me and while doing that, they start making jokes, in particular, Rick. Damnit he's gonna be annoying throughout this entire thing.

For the next few days, I had tried really hard to find ways into making her like me and trust me even. And even though she told me she'd let me know a few days ago, well, I'm growing to be impatient.

So I decided to go by her house tonight but before I left, Freddy asked me to go to the store and grab a few things.

While at the store though, I was glad I had come because she was there shopping also. During check out, I had gotten in a couple of lanes away from her and had just finished grabbing my grocery bags when I started heading towards outside.

After putting the groceries in the trunk, I was thinking of heading back in but stopped real quick when I saw her walk out with one of those shopping bags you can reuse over and over again. Then I noticed one of the straps broke and everything fell out of her bag.

"Shit!" She says as she kneels down and starts picking things up and puts them back into the bag.

I quickly walk up and kneel down to start helping her.

"Thanks." She says to me after getting over her surprised reaction.

"You're welcome." I smile at her.

Once we got everything back in there, I held the bag for her.

"Well, I've got it from here." She says.

"I'm sure you do but, why don't I just take you home?" I offer.

"I can take the bus." She shakes her head.

"I know you can. But when is it everyday you have me offer you a ride? Not including the other morning to school." I laugh a little bit.

I see her wanting to fight a laugh or even a smile but soon breaks and smiles. Which I haven't seen her smile like that in a long time.

I shake those thoughts out of my head and start walking towards the car and setting her bags into the back of the seat.

We both get in and I start heading towards her house. The drive over there was awkward because neither of us really talked and I didn't want to play any music. So I tried to think of something to say but couldn't.

Then before we knew it, I had pulled up in front of the house.

"So, thanks again." She tells me.

"Anytime." I smile at her.

Before she starts to get out by opening the door, she stops.

"Oh and Arlan?" She asks.

"Yes?" I ask.

"I've been thinking about what you said and I miss those times, if you're serious about us becoming friends again, then we can start." She mentions.

"Thank you." I tell her.

"Yeah well, just don't make me regret it." She says with a look of uncertainty.

"I won't." I tell her.

It was in that moment I had a funny weird feeling hit me. In that moment, I felt like what I said, was half true and half only what I should say to win the bet.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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