Now It's The End

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After we were released from the hospital me and Ella spend the rest of the two days on bed rest, but at her house this time which was pretty weird.

It was really big. I didn't like it and worst of all, her parents were there.

They immediately grabbed a plane here and were right there by her side hugging her.

Ella pushed them off her confused, but they soon explained everything to her.

Apparently the reason they were gone so much was because at first it was to make sure Ella had a good home life, but they soon got caught up in work. After a while they noticed how they neglected Ella, but thought it was too late to fix their relationship so they just stayed away, but now they want to change that.

Ella was iffy if they were saying was true, but she went ahead and gave them a chance as long as they allow her to keep dating me and finish the rest of the year here. They were hesitant at first, because they hate the school and didn't think I was good enough for her Ella, but they agreed to her terms.

School life on the other hand was weird. Ever since Steven and his friends were arrested everyone's still either been glaring at me or telling me how sorry they were or they just kept bugging me with questions. This went on for a while, but it soon subsided after a few weeks.

Now as of me right now, I'm currently sitting and talking to my therapist which I hate, but it has helped me a bit with my moments.

"Ava I'm so happy with our progress. Even though you don't stay to talk as long, you've still opened up and told me a few things about how you're feeling. My therapist said smiling.

"Whatever."I said rolling my eyes.

"So do you have anything important going on this week?" She asked.

I sighed, "I have this art exhibited I'm going to."

She smiled, "That's nice. Is there a certain piece you want to see?"

"What? No." I said. "I won this art competition and since I won, my piece will be put up in an art gallery in New York, but I'll be presenting it for the first time tomorrow."

"Congratulations." She said then continued to write in her notebook.

After she finished writing I got up and left since I was feeling bored.

"I'll see you next week then?" She asked. I stopped and turned around. I have to remember what Ella said. "Or tomorrow. I was told to give you one." I said handing her an invitation to my revealing tomorrow.

She took it and smiled, "Thank you."

I just looked at her and walked out.

I quickly began walking out of the gross cinnamon smelling building and outside where I was met with arms wrapped around me.

"You're heavy Ella." I said. "Did your boobs get bigger?"

She got off me and hit me on the arm, "I'm not heavy and no they didn't."

"Sorry." I apologized.

"It's ok I forgive you." She said. "Now did you hand out all the invitations?"

"Yes I did. I even gave one to my old physical therapy teacher, Teddy. Now can we please just go home?" I asked.

She scooped me up bridal style and carried me to the car. "What're you doing?" I asked.

"Just practicing before our big day gets here." She said in a too cheery voice.

"What makes you so sure we will get married?"

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