Jealousy, Fights, and First Meeting's

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(Ella's POV)

"So as you can see class, if you don't mind, please stop throwing your papers on the ground and throw them in the trash can. That would be much appreciated." Mr. Henrick said. "Also if you could also-

Gosh he can talk about the most random things for hours and then only spend like 15 minutes actually talking about what we're supposed to be learning, but either way I wouldn't pay attention and only think about the one thing I care about the most. Ava.

"Why must you continue doing this after I told you a million times to not stare at me?" The nerdy girl said looking at me while pushing up her glasses.

I rolled my eyes, "Sorry-

I sat there mind blanking. What was her name?

"What's your name by the way?" I asked.

She raised an eyebrow, "It's Amor. Why do you want to know?"

"I was just wondering because we've been sitting by each other all year and I didn't know your name."

She gave me a look, "Really? My name has been mentioned dozens of times in this class."

I guess I never noticed, because I never care to pay attention. "Well anyways, sorry Amor for staring. I just have a lot on my mind."

"Obviously and I know exactly who you're thinking so much about."

"I can't help it, I just love her so much." I said groaning causing everyone to stare our way.

"Is everything all right Ms.Potter?" Mr.Henrick asked.

"What? Oh yeah everything's dandy. Just go back to teaching." I said. He smiled awkwardly and continued his lecture.

"Could you please not cause that much attention again? It's so annoying when people stare at you with judgie eyes." Amor said glaring at everyone probably judging them too.

I just smiled, "I'll try but I can't make any promises."

"Ok now if you don't mind leaving me alone and looking the other and stop talking to me, so I can get back to listening to the teacher." She said sitting up straight while pushing up her glasses and staring back to the front of the class again.

I sat their still staring at her, which was very entertaining. She would practically write down everything the teacher said and when she would think hard about something she would scrunch up her nose then nod her head once she's done.

The class bell rang and everyone began getting up and leaving, but to no surprise a few of the students threw their paper wads by the trash can instead of in it. Wow what jerks.

I turned and saw Amor fixing to leave but stopped her, " Hey if you're not busy, wanna sit with me and my friends at lunch?" I asked.

She raised an eyebrow then widened her eyes, "Nope! I'm not falling for that trick again."

"What trick?" I asked while following her out the room.

"Last time someone asked me to sit with them, they took me behind the school, pushed me down and stole a months work of my homework." Dang she was that far ahead.

"Luckily I had a copies of all of it. Anyways I'm gonna eat lunch by myself."

"Nah you're coming with me." I said holding her hand and practically dragging her behind me.

She sighed, "Has anyone told you how big of a pest you can be?"

I smiled, "All the time, but I don't mind."

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