The Race

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"Why are you still following me? You've been doing this since yesterday when you got here." I said turning and looking at Camren, who was tailing from down the hall, to p.e. The hour which I dread even more.

"Why not? I mean we have the same classes and you're the only person I pretty much know here." She said smiling at me and continued to walk past me.

I stood there thinking then caught up to her, "How did you even get into AP classes, you don't seem like the brightest person." I said bluntly, while she was trying to pull a push door open.

"I may have my moments, but I actually am pretty smart." She said as she continued to struggle to open the door. Getting annoyed at her stupidity I moved her out of the way and pushed the door open. 

"I can tell."

We made our way to the gym and into the locker room and let me just say it felt uncomfortable. It wasn't that Camren was talking away to me and making flirty gestures to the girls in the locker room, but it felt like someone was glaring at me. I looked around and saw no one staring, so I decided to shrug the feeling off.


"Ok ladies gather around!" Our coach shouted at us. We all slowly made our way to her standing in a circle around her as we listened to what we had to say.

"So today I decided to do something a little different than what we've been doing for the past, ummm." She said as she was looking through her clipboard, trying to figure out how long we've been in school. What an idiot.

Getting tired and mad looking through papers she gave up, "Anyways I decided that we were going to have a little running competition today." She said smirking, which caused everyone to groan, expect me and Camren. I didn't really care if we ran or not, but Camren... she seemed a little too excited. Her excitement caused her to have nasty looks her way by some girls.

Everyone stood there whining and complaining, which made coach mad, "Everyone shut it or your all running laps until schools out!" She yelled which made everyone shut their mouths immediately. "Now as I was saying. We're going to have a little competition, which involves being paired up in two's. So everyone pick your partner and once you do, I will explain the rest." Everyone stood there confused looking at each other, but eventually started picking there partners.

I knew I wasn't going to be picked so I just stood there, knowing I'll be running by myself. Oh well.

"Hey Weirdo, wanna be my partner?" I looked up from staring at the ground and saw Camren standing in front of me with her hands on her hips smiling. I looked around and noticed everyone had a partner but me and her. 

I looked back at her, "Sure why not." I said. Once everyone had there partners picked we made our way back to the coach who stood there smirking at everyone with there partners.

"Is everyone sure and confident about the partner they chose, because you can't change?" She asked still smirking and looking at everyone. All the girls stood there looking at each other including me not knowing what she was talking about. I scanned everyone until my eyes caught Ella's, I noticed her looking my way, but she wasn't looking at me, but glaring at Camren. What's her problem?

I decided to look away and listen to what the coach was saying, "Let me ask, did everyone remember, when I said this would be a running competition?" She asked as she was walking back and forth in her spot. I remembered, but I didn't care. I looked around again and noticed everyone's eyes were wide open, meaning they probably forgot and once they did remember they started groaning and complaining knowing the partners they chose were probably not the best ones.

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