The Break In

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Me: We're parked in front of your house. Hurry and get out here or we're leaving you.

Ella: I'm coming. See ya in a sec Sugar Lips ;)

What the heck? Sugar Lips? Ella sure has some weird nicknames.

We sat in the car waiting for Ella to get here, but she was taking forever.

"Hey I think I see her?" Amor said pushing up her glasses. "She's climbing out of her window."

Me and Camren looked up and saw Ava dangling from her window trying to climb down, but like usual her foot slips and she falls into the bushes below her.

"Oof that's gotta hurt." Camren said while she was laughing. We watched as Ella slowly stood up and made her way to the car and got in.

"That was smooth." Camren commented.

"Shut up and drive!" Ella sighed. Camren, still laughing, began the car and started driving.

"You know, maybe you should try landing on your feet instead of your back next time." Amor said putting in her two sense.

"You're right. Next time when I'm dangling 2 stories high and slip and start falling to the ground, I'll make sure the first thing that comes to my mind is, better make sure I land on my feet." Ava said sarcastically.

Amor smiled, "Great."

Ava glared at her, "You and Camren are jerks. I could've died."

"But you didn't." Camren said.

Ella puffed out her cheeks, "Well at least you're not laughing at me Ava."

I turned and looked at her, "I didn't but I did find it pretty funny." I said smirking.

Ella grinned, "You're such a meany head."

We continued our drive for another 10 minutes until we finally ended up at Stevens house, well a block from his house because we didn't want to park close to it so we wouldn't get caught or noticed.

"Ok so his house has no cameras or any kinds of motion sensors, so we should be good sneaking in." Camren said.

"How do you know all this?" Ella asked.

"I've been scoping out his house for a while." She said.

"That doesn't sound creepy." Ella said making a weird face at her.

Camren glared at her, "As I was saying, we should be all good. Now once I pick the lock and we get inside, we're going to spilt into teams and search his house." We all nodded our heads and cautiously walked to the front door.

Camren pulled some small wires out of her small bag and began picking the lock and to our surprise we got in fairly quick. "And we're in." She whispered. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and we continued following her into the house.

"Now here's the plan, me and Ava will search down stairs and you and Amor will search up stairs for the key."

"But I wanna be with Ava." Ella pouted.

"No I'm with Ava cause she's My girlfriend." Camren said.


"Ella I'll be fine, now you and Amor go look upstairs." Ella stood their still pouted, but finally gave in.

"Fine, but if anything happens to Ava, I'll beat you up." She threatened Camren.


Camren softly held my hand as she led me to the kitchen where we began our search.

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