Too Much on My Mind

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Hey guys! So sorry for the slow update, but anyways here it is!

Peace Out!!!

(Ava's POV)

That was the second time I nearly fainted. It most definitely wasn't because of the kiss it's just for some reason I keep getting flashbacks. Every time I get one I sketch it out in my journal so I can piece it together. So far I only have a drawing of a dark figure standing over me smiling evilly while I'm laying on the ground hurt and defenseless, which is pretty sad on my point.

The bell rang and I got up from my desk and headed straight for the school doors to leave. I saw and made eye contact with Ella, but continued walking the other way. I can't be around her she's too peppy for me and makes me think about certain things too hard, which I try to avoid.

I just need a break from her right now.

As I walked away towards my car a small part of me hurt after the thought of not wanting Ella around, which is strange because I finder her so.... just so bothersome.

I made it to my car and got in and began backing up and pulling out of the schools parking lot. I'm so glad my parents got new keys so I could drive again. Walking to school was such a pain. Literally. The injuries on my body have gotten better, but every now and then I still feel pain from them.

I stopped at the stop sign waiting to pull out of the school, but when I looked out my window I made immediate eye contact with Steven who was staring at me or more like glaring. He then smiled evilly.

After he smiled I started getting a bad headache. I grabbed my head and tried shaking it away, but made it worse. Then in seconds I felt memories slowly flooding back from that night and knew that person smiling evilly was none other than Steven. I'm kind of not surprised.

I sat there in my car still holding my head for a while thinking and remembering everything, well not everything cause I still don't know Ella. I heard cars honking behind me which caused me to snap out of my thoughts. I looked both ways and drove out of the parking lot, but not without looking in my rear view mirror and still seeing Steven staring at my car while I drove away.

I quickly got home and practically ran into my house straight to my room, ignoring my mom who was home at the time.
I opened my room door, slamming it shut behind me then pulled out my sketchbook from my bag and sat down at my desk.

I began rapidly sketching in my book not stopping until I had every detail finished. I looked at it and knew I was right. It really was Steven who nearly killed me.

I then heard a knock at my door, which did make me jump surprisingly. "Wait a minute." I said as I tore the sketched paper out of my book and folded it up and stuffed it into my back pocket. "Ok come in." I said. I watched my room door open and to my surprise in came Camren.

I rolled my eyes and got up from my desk and sat on my bed. "What're you doing here? Also how come you weren't at school?" She rubbed her neck and smiled as she sat at my desk.

"Sorry I made you worry. I was just doing some more investigation stuff."

I rolled my eyes, her and her investigation. She's not even a police officer. I laid back on my bed and looked at the ceiling, "so did you find any clues?" I asked turning to look at her.

She smiled a big smile, "That's why I came here because I wanted to tell you first. So I was back at the crime scene and remembered your car keys were missing so I searched everywhere for them, but only found a bunch of trash."

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