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CHAPTER 54 | Always

Zack stared at me for what seemed like hours and I feared that he mightn't let me stay here with him for a couple of days. But I understand. He wouldn't like to look after a burden like me. I'm such a fool.

"Mark... Please, come in!" Zack reacted after a few seconds, and relief washed over me at hearing that.

He helped me to take the suitcases inside his house, placing them next to the door. I slid down the heavy backpack from my shoulders and let it fall next to the other suitcases. When everything was inside, Zack closed the door and looked at me with worried eyes.

"What happened, Mark? Who did this to you?" He asked, referring to the wounds on my face.

But me, being the weepy baby that I am, a sob escaped from my lips as everything that happened until now rushed back to me. Since the humiliation that I received at school and the disaster that happened at my house, I was feeling like crying the entire time, but I always fought hard to keep the tears inside. Now that I was finally in a place where no one from the outside world would be able to disturb me, where lived the human being who loved me the most in this planet, I felt free to let it all out.

I fell to my knees as tears made their way out of my eyes and down my cheeks. I covered my face with one hand, not wanting him to see my teary face, which was useless because as soon as my knees hit the floor, I could feel Zack kneeling right in front of me, taking my hands in his and looking at me with a more worried expression.

"Mark, please tell me what happened!"

I sniffed, looking down at our hands. "T-They know, Zack... Everybody knows about us."

That's all I needed to say to make him understand what I meant. "What? But... How did they find out?"

I moved to sit on the floor so I would be a little more comfortable, Zack sitting right next to me, wrapping his arms around my body and listening to me carefully. "It all happened yesterday when I told you I was stressed because I had work to do. But the truth is that I was very nervous because Scarlet took my phone while I was sleeping in class and she... She found our conversations. I tried to convince her that it was just a joke, so she wouldn't go all over the school telling them what she saw. But it was useless. Just today she told this fucker Herman about it, and he sent photos of the conversations to everyone in the damned school!"

I kept on crying as everything Zack could do was to widen his eyes. I continued. "I was so angered for what he had done. Everyone laughed at me, Zack. T-They called me really bad things that I don't want to mention. I wanted that asshole to pay for what he did, so I got into a fight with him. I didn't care if I was deforming his face more than it already was, I was just feeling so angry that I wanted to kill him right there." I explained between tears and gritted teeth as I clenched my fists just by thinking of it. "But then the principal dragged us to his office and this Herman wouldn't shut up about calling me... A faggot. Fortunately they didn't do anything to me, but the principal had enough of listening to Herman's shit and he expelled him."

"But don't you think that the idiot was finished there. Just as I got back home, he decided to make my life worse when he called the number of my house, and my dad answered... You might know already what happened when that fucker told my dad everything that happened at school, including the secret of me being gay. My dad obviously didn't like to hear that at all... He even hit me. At that moment I knew that I couldn't continue living with him in that house, and so did my mom. She was just as fed up of him as I was. And now... They are going to divorce." I finished, crying more.

I could feel Zack's grip tightening around me as he pulled me even closer to him. I wrapped my own arms around his body as I let out the rest of my tears on his shoulder. He rubbed a hand up and down my back in a comforting manner.

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