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CHAPTER 3 | Amber

(^ Pic of Zack's crazy fujoshi friend: Amber)

"We should get you your schedule to see what classrooms you'll be attending classes in." Amber said and I agreed.

The three of us walked around the school until we arrived at some office and asked for my schedule.

"So, Amber, why exactly did you get poor Zack in this trouble with Mark?" Vincent asked while we waited.

"I already told you, I thought they would get along, but it turned out bad."

"Yeah, but why precisely with Mark? You know he's not a nice person, at all."

Amber was silent for a moment.

"I have no idea, he was the first one who came to my mind. And besides, I saw Zack was so lonely walking around there, so I did it."

Thank God she didn't mention the part where I was looking at him.

"Alright, but I still think there's something off about this." Said Vincent crossing his arms.

Amber scoffed. "You think I planned this whole thing or what?"

"Maybe I do."

"Guys, please, just get over it." I decided to intervene before they created a scene.

"You two know something I don't. I feel excluded." Vincent said pouting a little. "Don't you trust me?"

"It's not that, Vincent. It's just... uh-"

"It's ok, Zack." Amber looked at me with a smile. "I'll explain everything to you guys later."

We stayed in silence until finally I received my schedule and we walked out of the office. We found an empty bench near the garden and we sat on it, while I examined my schedule.

"Let me see if we have any classes together." Amber said and I handed it to her. Her and Vincent looked at it closely.

"So, do I have classes with any of you?" I asked after a while.

"Uuhhh... I don't think so..." Amber said as she kept her eyes on it.

"Actually yes, look." Vincent said pointing to it. "English C2! We have English toge- no, wait... Ah, my classroom is C3, I forgot. Well, at least you'll be next to mine."

"Oh, ok." I said quite disappointed. It would have been cool if I had classes with them, and have someone to talk to.

"Sorry, my little friend, no classes together." Amber handed back my schedule with a sad smile.

"Well, that sucks."

"Wait. Give it back!"

She snatched it off me and looked at it again, more closely this time. I heard her gasp.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Chemistry D4!" Amber said quite loudly.


Vincent had a confused look on his face, just like mine. But then his eyes widened as if he had realized something. "Isn't that where... he goes to?"

Amber nodded with her mouth slightly open.

"Who?" I asked again.

Vincent looked at me. "Man, today is definitely not your lucky day."

"Why? Tell me now!" I demanded for a response.

"That's the same classroom as Mark Pierce. You and Mark Pierce have Chemistry together!" Amber said.

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