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CHAPTER 21 | Dog

OMFG, 500 reads! Thank you so much to those lovely people who read, voted, commented and added my story to their reading lists. I appreciate it and it really inspires me!!

"So how did you get back home yesterday, Zack?" My aunt asked while she drove us to school.

Today was a wet and cold day, since it had rained the entire afternoon and the entire night. It was enjoyable, yeah, but only while I was in the comfiness and warmness of my bed, the rain sounding like a lullaby that never failed to make me fall asleep. But when I had to wake up, it was a total torture. I mean, cold in the afternoons is nice, but in the mornings it's so horrible, even more when you have to wake up early.

"Uuhhh... I took the bus." I lied.

"You stuttered." Amber said from the front seat.

"No, I didn't."

"Yes, you did. That uuhhh sounded very suspicious." That Amber. Always getting me into trouble.

"Zack, you better not be lying. Don't tell me you went walking, because yesterday it rained like hell." My aunt warned.

"No, I didn't go walking."


I sighed, scratching the back of my neck. "Ok, the truth is... Mark offered to take me in his car."

"What?!" Amber exclaimed, turning in her seat to look at me. "How did that happen?"

"Who is Mark?" My aunt asked.

I rolled my eyes. I don't like it when people ask me two questions consecutively, especially these questions about my school crush. "Mark is the guy I talked to you about the other day, aunt."

"Ooh, the one that you like?"

Amber giggled and I just looked down as I felt myself blushing. "Yes, that one."

"But how did it happen? Mark only lets his friends in his car. I mean, long life friends, like the fools he's with right now." Amber asked again.

"Well, when I told you I'd take a walk around the school, I found him sitting alone on the bleachers. We talked for a while and when we were leaving, he offered to take me home in his car because it was going to rain soon." I resumed the story.

"He offered you?" Amber asked, needing confirmation and getting ready to squeal out loud.

"Yes, he offered me and I accepted."

"Aaaawwww!" Both my aunt and Amber awed together.

I blushed again. What's with girls these days? Even my aunt is getting corrupted by Amber's crazy ways of fangirling!

"He's a very nice boy for doing that. I'd like to meet him. You should invite him home someday, Zack." My aunt suggested, as if Mark and I were already a dating couple. Which sadly we weren't.

"Yeah, because Mark obviously likes hanging around with me." I replied sarcastically.

"Oh come on, Zack, I know he does. If not, he wouldn't have talked to you yesterday, as you say. And he offered to take you in his car because he clearly wanted to spend more time with you. He likes you! As a friend, at least." Amber chuckled.

I considered her for a moment. "Do you think so?"

"I don't think. I know."

Does Mark really like being with me? As friends? I know he has said that we all are pals now but... I'm not convinced yet. What he did yesterday was only a generous gesture that he would give to anyone, right?

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