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CHAPTER 42 | Acknowledgement

A huge THANK YOU for 3000 reads to all of you beautiful people who read, voted and commented on my story. I love you all so much :") I send you lots of luv ♥️

Hearing Scarlet talking was the most irritating thing ever. She purposely rose the tone of her voice to the point she was screaming to make sure I was listening to her, even though she was right beside me. She thinks that just because she's talking to me I'm going to want to fuck her again or what?

"Mark. Mark! MARK ARE YOU HEARING ME?!" She screamed in my ear.

I flinched at the sudden volume of her voice and I turned to glare at her. "Can you fucking yell louder?! Because I think they didn't hear you in China!" I yelled at her, making the people around us chuckle and in a matter of seconds all the attention was drawn on us.

"I'm talking to you and you're ignoring me! What's your problem?!" She argued back.

"No, what's YOUR problem? Can't you see that I want nothing with you anymore?!"

"Why? Am I fat? You don't like the way I dress? What don't you like about me? Tell me and I will change it!"

"Don't you dare make another of your scenes in front of everyone, Scarlet." I warned her between gritted teeth.

"I don't care! I just want you to tell me what's the problem between us and we'll find a way to fix it!" The bitch insisted.

"Do you know what's the problem? YOU! You are the problem! And to fix it you just have to leave me the fuck alone!"

She remained silent for a moment before I watched as her hands curled up into tight fists. "You're dating someone else, aren't you? That's why you're trying to break up with me, right? Because you're fucking another bitch! Who is she?! Is she in this school?!"

At that moment I swear I almost lost it. I swear I was going to yell at the top of my lungs BECAUSE I'M GAY. I swear I had those words just at the tip of my tongue and about to be screamed out of my mouth. But something stopped me. I couldn't say that. I would just cause more problems. Besides, I'm not gay... Well, I still don't know...

"Yes. Yes, I'm dating someone else!" I yelled at her. Although it was a lie, I hoped it would be enough for her to stop her barking and leave me alone. "And she's not in this school."

Scarlet gaped at me, while the bunch of airheads around us just watched in amusement at the scene.

"You know what, I'm not dealing with this bullshit anymore." I told her, going to walk past her. "Don't talk to me unless you have something useful to say."

"This is not going to stay like this, Mark! I know you still love me! I will find that bitch and rip her head off so we can go back to loving each other!" She screamed at my back. The people around us laughed at her and I just shook my head at her stupidity.

I seriously don't know how I'm going to get rid of her. She's going to chase me everywhere, telling me to love her again and all that shit.

The rest of the day at school was boring. There are days in which I feel in the mood to work at school, and days in which I don't. Rupert hasn't given up and he keeps telling me to do my best so I can approve my subjects, and I really appreciate his support. It's been five days since our little incident in my bedroom, and since we last talked about the matter at the bleachers, we haven't said a word about it again. But I know that someday he will want to talk about that again to tell me if I have finally sorted out my sexuality. And I don't know what I'm going to tell him.

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