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CHAPTER 31 | Hazard

It took me ages to come to my senses after what had just happened. Mark looked really angry when he pushed me against the wall, looking like he wanted to hit me, but then he kissed me, and my body reacted very strangely when he did that. When he pulled away, he looked stunned, and just as confused as I was. He got angry and hit the wall next to me, leaving a crack on it. Then he stormed out. That was strange. Very strange.

Is Mark... Gay? Or... Bisexual? Does he... Like me?!

No, that can't be. Absolutely not. I know Mark perfectly well, okay not that well, but something is for sure and that is: Mark is absolutely straight. Straight in every sense of the word. Straighter than an arrow, a ruler, a pencil, and everything I see that is straight. Just like Wyatt said. In addition, he himself has told me how many girls he's had sex with. He's not the most accepting guy of gay/bi people. Then why in the hell did he kiss me?! I'm so damn confused!

Maybe it wasn't his intention. Maybe he did want to hit me but... His weight gained over and he accidentally kissed me. Then he felt so embarrassed and he hit the wall.

No, that's not possible, either! I clearly saw how his eyes were tightly shut, I felt how he pressed his lips harder onto mine, and I heard how he groaned slightly between the kiss. Did he feel those tingles and sparks too? Or was it only me? I don't know, I don't know but I can't come to a conclusion right away. I can't claim victory and say Yay! He kissed me! That means he's gay! No, there has to be a clear explanation for this. Because as I said before, Mark is completely straight, he wouldn't turn gay from one day to another, would he? Or is it that he has been pretending to be straight for the rest of his life?

I don't think so. I just don't know. I need a logical explanation coming from Mark as to why the hell he kissed me. But how am I even going to get that explanation from him? He's just so serious and stubborn when it comes to talk about things like this. Hell, he might even get angry and now give me that hit he wasn't able to give me instead of another hot kiss from his delicious, warm and incredibly soft lips. ARGH!

This is not going to stay like this. One day I'll have to confront him and ask him why he did that. Even if I end up getting beaten up. He can't just leave things like this either!

"Where are you going?!"

I stopped walking and turned behind me to see Amber standing in front of her house with an amused face. I hadn't even noticed we had arrived already. I walked back towards her.

"Oh my God, Zack, what's wrong with you?" She asked sternly but she was laughing a little. "If I hadn't called you, you would've been rolled down by that car." She said motioning to a car that passed by quickly down the road.

"Sorry... I was thinking."

She sighed. "I understand. I still can't get over the fact that I slept with Elliot."

I remember when she told me how she had slept with Elliot that night of the party. She made a whole scene over it, saying how embarrassed she was, but she also admitted that she liked him a little. I used to cheer her up a lot so she could start dating him. But after this thing with Mark, I don't feel like cheering her up anymore.

I never told her I slept with Wyatt, though. I trust her but that would be too embarrassing to talk about. I've decided to keep it as a secret, at least until I'm ready.

"But what's wrong with you? You were fine just minutes ago, then you went to the restroom, and after that you came out looking as if you had seen a ghost."

"It's nothing... I just remembered something, that's all."


"Um... I'd rather not talk about it right now."

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