Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

I sat on a chair at the corner of the room, with my leg bouncing anxiously. I watched as Chase and Wesley fought in the middle of the room, while Lindsey stood by my side. Her leg, too, bounced up and down anxiously as she watched the training session unfolding in front of our eyes. We both grimaced simultaneously when Wesley brought Chase to the ground in a painful manner. Chase let out a groan in displeasure as he arched his back in pain. He gritted his teeth and punched the floor in frustration.

My lips tugged downward in a frown as I ran a hand over my forehead and hair. Wesley helped Chase to his feet and told him something before patting him on the shoulder. I ruffled my own hair a bit in frustration and heaved an exasperated breath through my nose. I sensed someone crouching down in front of me, and I lifted my eyes to see Chase's frown.

"I will try my best to win, Amelia," he mumbled with little hope.

I stared into his eyes for a moment, before handing him a bottle of water half-heartedly.

He took a seat beside me and I could see Wesley and Lindsey conversing a few feet away from us from the corner of my eye. I didn't even try to eavesdrop as I focused my attention mainly on the boy sitting beside me.

His right cheekbone was covered in a dark bruise due to the training and his nose was slightly crooked. There was a stubble already growing from the lack of shaving this past week. His brown hair was longer and disheveled, making him look attractive in a new kind of way. He took the glasses from the floor and put them on, making a ghost of a smile appear on my lips.

"You shouldn't be doing this," I said.

He took one last gulp of water before he placed the bottle down and turned his body to face me fully. He grabbed both my hands in his and pondered for a minute. "Perhaps I shouldn't, but I'm done running away from the danger I know will follow me always. It's time I face it once and for all, even if I end up losing," he told me, and my smile turned into a frown. He didn't meet my eyes once, but his eyes remained at our joined hands instead.

I pulled his hands slightly to grab his attention, and his eyes met mine. "Thinking like that will only result in you losing. Look, even if I don't approve with the tiniest bit of this deal, you should find some motivation to kick some ass," I scolded and squeezed his hands for good measure.

"I only have what—three days left to train? I have only been able to take Wesley down twice in these four days. How many times has he taken me down? Twenty-three. Amelia, if I can't even win against him, how will I be able to take Bryce down?" he asked in frustration.

I bit down on my own lip as my jaw clenched in irritation. I held his hands firmly and stood up, dragging him with me to the middle of the training room.

"Hit me," I said through clenched teeth. 

His eyes widened a fraction and he shook his head vigorously. "I'm not going to fight you," he said pointedly.

"Yes, you are," I deadpanned. When he went to shake his head, I sent a sharp slap through his left cheek, making his head whip to the side, and I saw the slightest hint of his jaw clenching.

I pushed him harshly. "Stop being such a bitch and hit me."

He stumbled backward and kept his gaze trained to the side, avoiding me.

I pressed on, pushing him once again making him fall and land on his bottom. I kicked his leg and he winced a little in pain. My eyes turned ice cold as I glared down at him, waiting for him to break. "Come on, you coward. You asked for it, now stand up and fight me!" I shouted.

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