Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Chase seemed like he wanted to protest, but I shoved him forward to give him a head start. He stumbled a bit and started jogging, glancing at me over his shoulder in alarm. I checked on Bryce and noticed two other men stepping out of the office, while Bryce pointed to us. When I saw their faces, I cursed under my breath and held onto the strap of my bag tightly before dashing after Chase.

Now I was starting to regret not bringing my bike with me today.

I swiftly caught up to Chase, motioning him to go right once we reached the gates. He did as told, and once we rounded the corner, I could see from my peripheral view the men getting in their cars. I quickened my pace and noticed how Chase was already panting, faltering in his steps. I could hear a faint pair of running footsteps behind me, and I cursed for like the fifth time this day.

Chase kept faltering, coughing slightly and doubling over. "I can't—I need to breathe." Chase panted and slowed down to a walk.

Did I say fifth? Make that tenth.

I hastily grabbed him by the elbow and forced him to run behind me into an empty alleyway. He whined loudly as he strutted behind me awkwardly and suddenly yelped. His elbow was harshly snatched from my grip and I turned around quickly, coming face to face with one of Bryce's companions, who was holding a rather pale Chase in a headlock.

"Fancy seeing you again, Amelia," he said with a smirk. His features were familiar. Curly, long black hair, dark eyes and tall frame. His voice was deep and intimidating, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand still.

"Tyler Crawford," I spat in his direction. "Let go of him this instant."

Chase struggled to get out of the headlock, but Tyler only held on tighter. "Seems like I've caught a struggler here."

I glared at him and leaped forward, not hesitating to kick him hard on his free side. He grunted lightly and loosened his grip on Chase, making me use that as an advantage. I grabbed Tyler's wrist and twisted it rather painfully, making him fully let go of Chase. Tyler kneed me on my stomach, leaving me breathless for a short moment before I twisted his arm over his back.

"Run!" I yelled at Chase who was staring at us, wide-eyed.

He readjusted his bag and scurried off without a second thought.

I kicked the back of Tyler's knee, making him fall on his knees, and brought my elbow down on his shoulder. Before he could do anything else, I grabbed the pocket knife that I always had inside my back pocket and used the handle to strike him on the temple. Once he fell unconscious on the ground, I didn't waste time to run away and shove the knife back inside my pocket.

It took me a minute to catch up to Chase; he still panted next to me. I looked around and noticed two sleek black cars stopping at a red light not so far from us, and I hastily rounded a corner. I opened the door to a crowded ice cream parlor and pushed Chase inside, quickly following behind him. We both panted as I dragged us both across the sea of people and into the bathroom hallway.

"Who was that?" he asked in bewilderment, still not recovering from the shock of being in a headlock.

"Take off your sweater and give it to me," I ordered him, avoiding his question.


"Now, Chase," I urged, and he took off his sweater. I rapidly took off my flannel shirt and shoved it inside my bag before throwing Chase's sweater on. I draped the hood over my head and took my glasses off to not draw any attention toward us. Ignoring the sudden whiff of his cologne, I focused on what was currently happening. I walked calmly toward the back of the line and noticed the cars racing by the parlor, making me let out a deep breath.

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