Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I leaned against my bike boringly as people started rushing out of the school entrance. My green eyes roamed through the sea of heads, trying to find the specific dark brown hair among them all. I fetched my pack of cigarettes and lighter, then grabbed one. Lighting it up, I placed it in my mouth and took a few puffs before blowing out the smoke in satisfaction. My gaze finally landed on the messy brown hair and the owner's pair of anxious eyes.

I beckoned him over with a toothy smile and he furrowed his brows in wonder. I watched him walk towards me while grabbing the cigarette between my index and middle finger and putting the lighter away. Once he reached me, he gazed around with the same anxiousness in his eyes. I blew out another cloud of smoke, finally making him look back at me.

"Uh, hey. What are you doing here?" Chase asked while fidgeting with the sleeves of his sweater.

"Is that question your only way of greeting?" I mused.

His face flushed a little and I grinned, inhaling more of the cigarette contents. This earned me the slightest of scowls on his behalf, making it clear that the cigarette didn't appease him.

"I—uh, no. It's just—aren't you supposed to be suspended?" he asked, deciding to ignore the cancer stick.

I gave a careless, one-shouldered shrug, blowing out yet another cloud of smoke. "That I am." I chuckled. "What about it?"

His mouth opened then closed, probably not knowing an answer to my question. He shook his head slightly and brought his right hand to the back of his neck. "Nothing. Uh, you waiting for your friends?"

"I'm not waiting for anyone. At least not anymore." I grinned. He furrowed his brows, probably confused and wondering what I meant. "You are already standing in front of me, silly."

"Wait—you were waiting for me?" He blushed slightly. "What for?"

I decided not to answer right away. Instead, I flicked what was left of the cigarette to the ground and stomped on it with the heel of my boot. He watched my every move expectantly, awaiting an answer. I reached for the helmet that was still hanging on the handle and threw it at him. He managed to catch it before it fell to the ground, his eyes now wide with surprise.

"Put that on," I ordered. He just stared at the helmet dumbly. "What? Don't tell me I have to give step-by-step instructions on how to put a helmet on to a nerd."

"Huh? No!" Chase said quickly. "Why exactly do you want me to put this on?"

"Why else would I give you a helmet?" I rolled my eyes. "And here I thought you were actually intelligent. What a shame. I guess you're just looks and no brain."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

I held back a small laugh at his slightly offended and flustered expression. I ignored his question and opened the small compartment to grab some sunglasses. Securing my hair in a tight bun, I put the sunglasses on and hopped on my bike. "Hop on, nerd. We're starting your lessons today." I smirked.

His dumbfounded yet astonished expression was perfect enough to take a picture of and hang on a wall. "Wait, what? B-But I have to study for my English test tomorrow! Plus, I've got a biology project due next week."

"Oh, come on, Chase. We both know that you will ace that test and get that project done in a day. Get on and let's not waste any more time." I sighed and turned the key in the ignition, causing the bike to roar to life. He looked at the bike nervously, and very reluctantly placed the helmet on his head. I watched in amusement as he secured the straps under his chin and held on to his bag rather tightly, staring at me through the visor.

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