Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

A sharp pain shot through my side as I received another kick from Izzy. Her shoulder was bandaged up and she couldn't move her entire arm, but she could still throw some kicks. I gasped for air as the pain remained on my side, and I glared up at her.

She was scowling at me in return, and Steven placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I think that's enough, Eva," he commented, and she huffed.

"She stabbed me! I can't move my damn arm because of her! She deserves even more pain," she hissed at him, and he shook his head at her.

"She's helpless right now. We took her tracker out, so none of her friends know where she is. You'll have a lot more chances to torture her, in the meanwhile, let her breathe," Steven said, and she looked down at me.

"Where are your friends now?" she asked with a mocking pout. "Probably having a drink and enjoying your absence."

"Untie me and fight me like a real person, you coward," I spat.

She seethed and slapped me across the face before pulling my head back by my hair. "Where's the fun in that?" she smirked and let go of my hair after a moment.

It had been around three days since I helped Chase escape. I was sitting on an uncomfortable chair with my arms tied to the back of it and my ankles tied to the legs. I winced in pain and glared up at the man behind all these. He gave me a look I couldn't quite decipher and pulled a chair in front of me. He sat down and leaned back comfortably.

"Does my mother know?" I asked him and stared dead into his eyes.

"That I have you? No. About me being the principal? Certainly," he answered and crossed his arms over his chest.

"You left us, so why come back for me? You could've just left me alone!" I screamed in pure anger. "I gave up on searching for you. I didn't know what you looked like or where the hell you lived, so I gave up. So, why don't you just let me go?"

"I can't let you go, Amelia. You're very important right now," he said, and I huffed.

"You didn't seem to think that when you left my mother to raise me by herself," I retorted.

"You weren't even supposed to happen. You were an accident—a mistake," he explained, and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Good to know that this father-daughter reunion is going splendidly," I said sarcastically, and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"You don't care about anything I say, do you?" he asked, pretty much already knowing the answer. I just stared at him blankly, and he sighed. "Look, I am certainly not going to try and win you over with a dad speech. That is not my intention."

"Then what is your intention?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

"The same one you had when you joined this gang," he said simply, and I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"Revenge? On who, me?"

"Not exactly. Let's just say your mother and I have some...unfinished business," he stated, and I frowned.

"What unfinished business could you possibly have after eighteen damn years?" I asked, bewildered.

He just smirked and stood up, straightening his suit. "That is for me to know, and for you to find out," he said and walked to the door, looking at the two guards. "Take her to her room and keep an eye on her."

They nodded at him and stepped aside to let him walk out. Afterwards, they walked over to me and injected a needle in my neck before untying me. My limbs went numb as they draped my arms around their shoulders and lifted me up. I glared at them the best I could, but didn't get to see their faces due to the masks they were wearing.

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