Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

"Is everyone alright?" Lindsey asked as she inspected each one of us. Luckily, no one was badly injured, just a few scratches on most of the people.

We were gathered up in an abandoned mansion on the outskirts of town, discussing the steps to our plan. Who knew what would've happened if I didn't notice the tracking device on time.

"None of us is either dying or having a concussion, so I'd say we're fine," I said sarcastically, and she rolled her eyes at me.

"This is no time for jokes, Amelia. We're going up against a powerful gang, which includes your sister, by the way. This is one big of a deal and we need you to cooperate." Wesley scolded.

"Whatever you say, big guy." I grumbled out with an eye roll.

"Stop bickering like father and daughter, you two." Lindsey sighed, and Wesley scowled at her.

"There's no way that I could be her father. She's nothing like me, and I'm only thirty-four. Give me a break." He huffed, and I rolled my eyes once more. How childish could a grown-up man be?

"That's not the point," I interfered. "Chase was abducted yesterday, and we need to act fast. Who knows what they might be doing to him. We already know where they are, so instead of just relaxing here we should get our asses moving."

"By the information we've recollected, Chase was the one to give you that necklace, wasn't it?" A random guy asked, and I looked at him.


"And he confessed that he was working for this gang before, which gives us enough reasons to not trust the guy at all. Maybe this whole 'getting kidnapped' thing was part of their whole plan." He commented and some around the room hummed in agreement.

"I know the guy. I can tell if he's lying or not, and it was evident that he wasn't lying when he told me he didn't work for them anymore." I said, and the guy raised an eyebrow.

"How can you be so sure?" he asked and narrowed his eyes at me.

"Because, why else would he jump in front of a bullet for me and get kidnapped by the people he ran away from? That boy may be clumsy, but he sure as hell isn't stupid enough to jump back into their arms." I said with a clipped tone.

"I've got to agree with Amelia on this one," Wesley interrupted. "I may not know him as much as Lily, but I can tell the guy fears these people. Something tells me that he was threatened to give Amelia the necklace. I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case either way."

"What about those friend of yours?" the guy snapped. "Why believe a boy you just met and not the friends you left to die?"

"They had been lying to me even before I joined that gang," I snapped back. "They knew about my father and sister for more than three years! Chase, on the other hand, was held victim. They threatened to hurt an important person to him, and forced him to do things against his will!"

"Alright, enough," Lindsey said calmly, and we all looked at her. "Amelia, we will continue with your plan. We attack tomorrow night. First, we need to settle and gather up everything we need. We will finally discover who has been behind all this. If it's true that the person is, in fact, your sister, we might be facing your father as well."

"You have a really messed up family, Lily." Wesley chuckled, and I raised an unamused eyebrow at him.

"This is no time for jokes, Wesley." I shot his own words back and he stuck his tongue out at me.

A grown-up could be very childish after all.

Everyone started making their way out of the abandoned mansion and into their cars, driving away to the gym. Once we got there, we made our way inside from the running track and walked down the stairs to the shooting range. Luckily, the bodies were taken care of. but there was still lots of evidence of the events that took place here yesterday. Apparently, the police was stupid enough to leave the weapons intact with some yellow signs of evidence.

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