20- Bad Mood

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Luke groans as his little one jumps on the bed next to him, squealing "daddy daddy up up up!"

Usually, her pretty long black hair bouncing around in her face and her excited expression and cute squeals and giggles would make Luke smile and laugh and kiss his little girls face all over.

But today, Luke did not smile or laugh, and he did not find it cute or amusing.

"Delilah, knock it off! Get off!" He snaps, and Delilah giggles, plopping down on her butt before crawling on top of Luke.

"No, I mean it delilah. Get off!" Delilah pouts at his grumpy voice and face but doesn't get off.

"Mean. Daddy mean." She says, trying to master the warning look her daddy usually gives her.

"I mean it delilah, get off and go to your room!" Delilah glares at the blonde man as she crawls off the bed and stomps her way to her nursery. She mutters to herself in her own language, which feels foreign now, she hasn't spoken it in months.

Delilah changes out of her pajamas and into a black sweater and black leggings, hoping to express her anger in any way she can, since she can't actually ask "why the hell are you being such a damn jerk face, mate?"

She marches down the stairs as loud as she can and begins opening cupboards and slamming them, but still no response.

She lets out something between a scream and a groan, and hears Luke groan upstairs.

"Stop it delilah! If something is broken down there you're getting a Spanking!"

Delilah rolls her eyes before yelling "fuck daddy!"

"DELILAH!" Luke yells as he finally gets out of bed and marches down the stairs.

The pale girl shrieks and runs into the coat closet to hide from the tall man.

"Come here, Delilah!" Luke warns, getting no answer from the little. "I mean it little girl!"

As she heard Luke search the house, Delilah was terrified for a second. She didn't want to be afraid of Luke but she was right now. She didn't know why he was so angry even before she started being a brat, and if he got out of control no one was around to stop him from hurting her.

It broke Delilah's heart for a second that she was afraid this man that she'd confided so much trust and love in was going to hurt her.

Tears slipped past her eyes as Luke stomped about looking for her and she tried her best not to sob.

"Delilah come here right now!"

"Safe!" Delilah finally sobbed out, cringing and shooting farther into the closet as she heard Luke's foot steps approach her hiding spot. She sobbed louder as he yanked the door open, trying to push his hands away when he tried to grab her and sobbing the word over and over again.

"Delilah." Luke groaned. "Calm down and come out of there." He tried to calm his angry tone but wasn't very successful.

"Safe." Delilah whimpered as she scooted out of the closet a bit. Luke tried again to pick her up and she shrieked out a "no!"

"Delilah." Luke growled as she continued her sobbing.

Finally he ignored her protests and picked her fighting body off the ground.

"No daddy! Sowwy! Pees! Sowwy! Safe!" She screamed as Luke's rough grip dragged her sobbing body to her nursery.

"I warned you Delilah, you know better than to act like that." Luke growled, scaring Delilah further.

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