11- Nana

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Luke smiles, glancing away from the road to the rear view mirror when Delilah whines and her lashes flutter open to reveal her green eyes.

"Mornin babygirl."


"We're gonna go to Nanas house, princess. Can you say nana?"

"N-na-na." The little girl mumbles sleepily.

"Yep." Luke grins widely. "Good girl."

"Nanananana." She mumbles, giggling hazily with hooded green eyes.

"Mhhm. We're gonna see nana and papa and your uncles, Ben and jack."

"Daddy!" The little girl reaches forward, whole body pulling against her car seat as she desperately tries to get to her daddy.

"Shh, babygirl. Are you hungry? You want num nums?"

"No! Daddy!"

"You want Momo?"

"Daddy! Daddy!"

"What baby? I don't know what you want."

"Daddy!" Delilah cries.

"Oh, baby..." Luke sighs as tears begin to fall down Delilahs face.

"Daddy! Dada dada daddy!" She whines and cries.

"Shh, babydoll. You can't cuddle with daddy right now." Luke coos.

"No! Daddy!"

"Here babe, take your dummy and Momo." Luke tries, handing the items back, but Delilah just starts sobbing as she sets them in her lap.

Luke sighs and pulls over, getting out of the car and coming back to Delilah to take her out as she sobs.

Delilah clings tightly to the tall blonde and sobs.

"Oh, daddy loves you Delilah."

"Uvoo! Daddy..." she cries, calming down as Luke coos and rocks her.

"It's okay princess, calm down." Luke mumbles, smiling at the tight hold Delilah has on him.

He kisses Delilahs head before setting her down in front of him and bending to her level.

"All better?" Luke asks.

"Daddy." The little girl mutters, wiping at her eyes.

"Mhhmmm." Luke smiles, kissing her cheeks.

"Uvoo." She mutters.

"I love you too, babygirl. Let's get back in the car and pick up some breakfast, yeah?"

"No! Daddy!" She says, green eyes wide and panicked.

"It's okay, baby. We're gonna go see nana, remember? You'll have so much fun, baby. We're halfway there." Luke assures.

"Kissy." Delilah demands with a pout. Luke chuckles and complies before buckling the little girl back into her car seat and continuing the drive to Nanas, stopping at McDonald's to pick up breakfast.

When the two get to the hemmings house, Delilah refuses to get out of the car.


"Delilah, let daddy unbuckle you." Luke raises an eyebrow, daring her to challenge him and wondering why she's being a brat all the sudden.




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