12- Sick

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Luke is awoken to heart wrenching cries coming from his baby doll, in another part of the house. He worriedly stands and rushes to her room, but she wasn't in there.

He knows she slept in his room last night so he isn't sure where she would've gone, and he hopes nothing bad has happened as he searches for her.

He sighs in relief when he finally finds her in the bathroom, but she's leaned over the toilet sobbing and getting sick.

"Oh babygirl..." Luke sighs. He takes a pony tail holder from his wrist and gently ties her thick black hair back into a messy bun, then rubs the poor baby's back.

"Daddy!" She sobs once she's done being sick.

"I know, poor sweet girl." Luke coos as he picks his little one up and sets her on the counter.

He helps her wash out her mouth and brush her teeth, which the sick little girl objects too but is too tired and weak to really fight.

"Aw, my poor babydoll." Luke sighs as he kisses the little girls face, which is much paler than usual. Her eyes are red and swollen from crying and her hair is tangled and her body is weak and exhausted and she seems to be having trouble stopping her sobs.

"Daddy! Owwy!" She sobs as he clings to the tall man.

"I know, I know baby. How about a bath, will that make you feel better?" Luke coos in a comforting tone that makes the little girl sink into him.


"You can have a baba in the bath, princess, whatever you want." Luke hums as he carries his baby downstairs to make her a bottle of warm milk.

"You're probably not gonna like this part, princess, but I'm gonna have to give you some medicine." Luke tries to sit Delilah on the counter but she screams and clings to her daddy.

"I know princess, I know, it's no fun, but I promise you'll feel better if you take your medicine. You can cuddle daddy after your bath."

Luke pried the girl of him as she sobs, and reaches for the bottle, which Luke keeps ash from her until he's got the medicine.

"No! Baba!" She screams as Luke tries to feed her the medicine.

"No! NO!" She screeches, throwing herself to the ground to have a tantrum.

After ten minutes, Luke gives up trying to get the girl calm, knowing she's gonna exhaust too much and pass out if he keeps fighting with her.

"Mum!" Luke sighs into he phone when his mother answers.

"What's wrong, love?"

"Delilahs sick and she's throwing a tantrum and won't take medicine and I don't know what to do!"

"You should remember how much I used to bribe you, Luke. Just promise her chocolate if she takes he medicine."

"Yah, well I could do that, except she's screaming and kicking on the ground and I can't make her stop."

"She's sick, she'll tire out quick. And this sounds bad, but she'll stop kicking and all that of you just- well- give her a quick smack on her bum."

"I don't wanna do that while she's sick." Luke pouts, looking at the little one laying on the ground sobbing and screaming and flailing.

"Not enough to hurt her much, just get her attention." Liz advises.

"Yeah, I don't know." Luke sighs. "Thanks, mum. I'll call again later probably needing more help. Love you!"

"Love you too, darling, good luck. Tell li I love her too."

"Alright." Luke sighs, hanging up.

"Delilah, come here," Luke says loud enough for Delilah to hear him over her screams.

She ignores him.

"Delilah." He says sternly. As he tries to grab her, she kicks her legs and flails her arms, trying to bat Luke away.

Luke lands a slap on her him and she immediately quits the flailing and lets Luke pick her up- as Liz said she would- cries not dying down.

"There we go, princess." Luke sighs. He pulls a small chocolate bar out of the cupboard.

"Look at daddy, Delilah." Delilahs teary eyes go to her daddy's, then right to the chocolate bar.

Delilah tries to grab it but Luke pulls it out of her reach and puts it down, grabbing the medicine and showing it to the crying girl. She pouts as she seems to understand the arrangement, but nods and watches as Luke unwraps the chocolate bar and sets in on the counter in top of the wrapper, then quickly pours the medicine into the little girl's mouth as she sits on his hip.

As soon as she swallows, he grabs the chocolate bar and gives it to her, letting her munch down as he grabs her bottle and carries her upstairs to the bathroom. He rubs the tub with lots of bubbles and stuff that's supposed to help when you're sick.

The little girl is reluctant to be put down and into the water, but eventually compiles, sucking on the bottle of milk as Luke washes her hair and body and lets her relax.

When the bottle is gone and the little girls all clean, Luke drains the tub and wraps his baby in a fluffy towel as she whimpers and cries.

She whines, but doesn't bother fighting as Luke puts detangler in her hair and brushes it out, than puts it in simple braids.

Luke takes time in rubbing lotion into the pale girls skin as she coughs and sniffles, but she seems to enjoy the treatment and special attention.

"Alright, how about a nap now, princess." Luke suggests as her puts one of his shirts on his baby and crawls into the bed with her.

"Daddy..." Delilah mumbles in a whimper into Luke's chest before falling asleep easily.

When the two wake up, to Luke's delight, Delilah is feeling much better. She giggles as she pokes Luke's nose, then buries her face in lukes chest as she coughs.

"Are you feeling better, doll?"

"Daddy." Delilah mutters.

"How about something to eat?" Luke asks as he picks the clingy girl up and carries her downstairs to the kitchen.

"Do you wanna watch cartoons while daddy makes you some lunch?"


Luke tries to put her on the couch with a stuffie and dummy but she refuses to release her hold on the man.

"Okay, I suppose daddy can make you soup while I hold you." Luke chuckles as he puts the dummy in the whiny girl's mouth, which she happily accepts, looking up at Luke with happy, if not tired, green eyes.

Luke struggles, but succeed to make chicken noodle soup while Delilah clings to him and feed her as he sits on the couch with her on his lap.

"No." She mutters, pushing the spoon away as Luke tries to feed her another bite.

"You don't want any more, baby?"


"Can you take three more bites?"

The pale little girl pouted but accepted the bites Luke put in her mouth, not in the mood for putting up a fight.

"Alright, princess. How about some movies and cuddles with daddy?"

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