6- Groceries

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Luke raises an eyebrow as he wakes to Delilah poking his cheek, sitting on his stomach.

"Daddy daddy daddy daddy!" She says as his eyes open. He chuckles and pulls her down so he can cuddle her more, and she giggles.

"Can daddy have a kiss, babygirl?" Luke asks, pulling Delilah up to peck her lips before she buries her face in his neck.

"Delilah..." he hums. She looks up at him and he smiles.

"Say kiss?" He says.

"K-kiss." She giggles, and Luke pecks her lips again.

"Kisses." He says.

"Kissss." She giggles. "Kissy." Luke kisses her again and she smiles and kisses him again when he pulls away.

He kisses her head and gets up, changing out of his pjs and carrying the little girl to her nursery.



"Uckle! Uckle?" She asks, tilting her head. Luke sighs and shakes his head, chuckling.

"No, no uncles today baby. You'll see them again soon." He smiles.

"Momo." She says, and Luke chuckles and sets her on the changing table, grabbing her toy out of her crib and giving it to her. She happily plays as Luke dresses her in a white t shirt, black skater skirt, and knee high white socks with two black stripes at the top. She looks down at the outfit and then smiles happily at Luke.

"We gotta go get groceries today, babygirl. If you be good daddy will get you a new toy." Luke smiles.

"Kiss!" The little girl giggles her new word. Luke complies and kisses her and she happily kicks her feet.


"Fox, baby."


"Maybe well get you a fox toy, yeah?" He says as he picks her up and carries her downstairs getting her cereal and cutting up strawberries to put in it.

She loves the strawberries, and luckily Luke avoids letting her get it all over her face by feeding her.

Luke brings her to the bathroom and sets her on the counter, grabbing her toothbrush and his and re toothpaste.

He brushes the little girl's teeth and his own, despite her objections to the "icky" mint toothpaste. He reminds himself to add little kid toothpaste to the grocery list.

After the two are all ready to go Luke puts black and white converse on Delilah and carried her out to the car.

"Daddy! Daddy!" She says as she tries to get into Luke's pockets, where she saw him put his phone earlier.

"No, Delilah."

"No, daddy!"

"No, Delilah." Luke says in a sterner tone. She pouts but complies, and Luke smiles and turns on the radio, Delilah smiling and nodding her head to the music.

It doesn't take long for the pair to get to the grocery store, and Luke immediately hops out and runs to delilahs side, knowing as soon as she gets out she's gonna try to take off running, and she does, but Luke catches her hand, making her hold his hand through the whole grocery trip.

Luke gets the food Delilah asks for and even some stuff for dessert, and toothpaste for Delilah. All throughout the store, Luke points out all the things that are blue, and Delilah seems to start understanding that blue is a color.

Luke coos at the look of realization and her cute little shy blushy giggle.

Delilah minds surprisingly well, even when Luke tells her no or that she can't get something she wants, and Luke assumes the better amount of sleep she got was responsible. Maybe he'll just have to keep her sleeping with him, because he enjoyed it too.

"Okay, princess, I suppose you deserve a reward." Luke chuckles down at the little one as she glances into the toy isle and back at Luke questioningly. Luke nods and she runs in and Luke follows.

Luke points to a cute, medium sized fox stuffy. "You want the fox, Delilah?"

"Fox!" She giggles.

"Mhm, that's a fox. You want it?" She grabs it and puts it in the cart, then looks at Luke as she reaches for another smaller stuffy, that's a teddy bear.

"No, just one for today, Delilah."

She takes it off the shelf.

"No, Delilah. One." She looks up at him and pouts in the most adorable way possible, making Luke coo.

"Cutie. Can you say please?"


"Say please."


"Say, please daddy." He chuckles.

"Peas daddy?" She raises an eyebrow, wondering what the word means.

"Since you asked so nicely." Luke chuckles, giving in, though he knows he probably shouldn't after he already said no because it might confuse her.

"Go ahead babydoll, put it in the cart."

"Tuf? Peas?" She asks.

"Yes, Delilah." She giggles and puts the toy into the cart, hugging her daddy's legs. Luke picks her up and she hugs around his neck this time, before leaning back.


"Say please."

"Kiss peas." She giggles, and Luke does so.

He sets the happy girl down and they pay for all he groceries before loading them in the car and going home.

The little girl whines and stomps her feet as Luke puts away groceries instead of paying attention to her.

She shrinks back as Luke gives her a stern warning look, but continues tugging on his shirt.

"Delilah, behave! Or I won't give you your second stuffie, he'll get locked up in daddy's closet." He threatens.


"No, Delilah!" He accidentally raises his voice quite a bit more than he'd intended, letting out what sounded quite like a scary roar to Delilah, and the little girl jumps back, startled, eyes immediately filling with tears before she runs away, a sob escaping her mouth, and Luke quickly runs after her, chasing her up to her nursery as she runs in and dives into the closet, sobbing.

"Oh babygirl." He sighs. "Daddy's sorry, come here baby..." he crouched down in front of the closet, realizing he shouldn't have chased her, as it could've scared her worse, but in the sudden realization that he'd fucked up with the little girl, he hadn't thought about it til now.

He gently reaches for her as she curls in a ball, and she tries to bat his hands away, but it doesn't do much good as he picks her up and cradles her shaking body to his chest anyway, kissing her head repeatedly.

"You're ok baby, it's ok, Delilah. Daddy is so sorry for being a meanie butt, ok? I love you, babydoll." Luke sighs. He stands and carries Delilah downstairs, making her a bottle and handing her a stuffie, which she cuddles gratefully to her chest, as she sucks on the warm sweet milk.

"My sweet girl..." Luke smiles, kissing the pale girl's forehead and wiping the tears from under her red puffy eyes.

She's asleep before the bottles gone, and Luke smiles, laying her on the couch and putting a blanket over her, knowing he'll regret letting her take a nap when bedtime comes around, and he goes back to the groceries.

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