8 - Different side of Dom?

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"Dom stop" I moaned at the sudden impact.

"No" he replied pushing even more.

"l-let's change position" I groaned at him. He's just so big!

"Take it like a man don't be pussy" he pushes even harder.

"Get your big ass off me!" I shouted. He laughed at my sudden outburst as he slowly got off me.

If you wondering what the hell are we doing? Well, we're doing yoga. Who would have thought a Billionaire Mafia does yoga.  I asked him why he does yoga and he says it helps him not to kill all the useful bitches he hates.

But all I want to know is how come I never knew we had a gym in the house?!

"Come here Little wolf," He says pulling me closer. "What's the point of saying that if you're just gonna pull me closer anyway?" I asked in a sarcastically tone.

"Well, I already knew wear going to come to me didn't I?" how the hell do you know if I would.

"I was gonna say-" Before I could finish Dom press his lips on mine pulling me into his alluring kiss.

He slips his tongue inside my mouth exploring every inch of it before intertwining it with mine.

Putting my hand on his chest gently pushing him away so he could know that  I need some air, he pulls back.

"Why do you need to turn everything so sexual?" I questioned. "Because I can and-" he pauses pulling me closer; "You are my little wolf," he said.

he leans down to kiss me when my phone rings making him pause.

"Don't answer that," he said. Of course, me being petty me I answered the phone.

"Hello, Paris here, " I said joyfully.

"It's me, Jeff...I was wondering if you want to come over by my house" he whispered.

"Um, Jeff I can't" I whispered hoping Dom didn't hear which he did cause he grabbed my phone out off my hand.

"Paris is mine" he growls. Oh shit.

"Who is this?" Jeff asked.

"An angry motherfucker who is pissed off your calling what's mine!" he growled again. Is he a werewolf are something? But those growls are sexy as hell though.

"Um excuse me?" Jeff said. Just hang up Jeff!

"What's your name," Dom asked.

"Jefferey Matthews" Jeff stated.


"Thanks, dumbshit," Dom said before hanging up. He then slams my phone on the floor before crashing into pieces with his foot.

Did this rich motherfucker brake my phone?!!!!!

"Dom, What the fuck are you doing?!" I screamed at him.

"I'll get you a new one where that bastard doesn't have your number" he simply stated before taking his iPhone out of his pocket dialing someone's number.

"Seven I need you to pick up a guy by the name of Jefferey Matthews and take Thomas he knows the guy's face," he said.

"Ah-hhmm" Seven moaned from the other end.

"Are you fucking?" Dom asked.

"No, I was masturbating" he stated. What the hell?

"To Who?" Dom asked. What the fuck?

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