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Acacia/Ciarán - Age 18

H-How is this possible?

I'm staring at my reflection, a chill running down my spine before I hear the water distilled around me. Ripples erode away the clear reflection, slowly bringing my gaze to see Lailoken standing a few feet away. I glance to my left and right, observing Taron and Rian, their expressions reflecting the same I feel inside.

"I..." there are no words that can form the mass hysteria I truly feel, tears slowly filling my eyes as I rest my gaze back on Lailoken.

"Now you see yourself as I have, since the moment I saw you," Lailoken affirms what I see and it causes me to panic slightly.

All the confusion Lailoken must have felt when he kept telling me that he didn't realize I was in a mortal form...he saw me as this...a true born hybrid...how?

How am I this?

Did...Lars...all this time...he placed a glamour on me to prevent others from seeing the truth, suppressing who I am for his betterment.

A sharp pain begins to radiate in my teeth...a few seconds later, I feel the tips of two sharp fangs that cause my eyes to widen again. A very dark pulsation erupts in the area a split second later, my gaze locking with Lailoken as he states, "It slipped through...during the time the veil was brought down."

"What slipped through?" Rian asks with hesitation, glancing from Lailoken and me as if we hold the reason. I'm not sure who Lailoken is referring to, but I feel that strength, that power.

"It's an extension of itself," Lailoken nods at me, clearing everything up the second he tells me, "it's the one who tried to take your soul."

"Wh-What is it?" I ask, seeing Taron also apprehensive, unsure of what exactly is happening.

Lailoken replies, "Aeon."

"Aeon?" I've heard that name before...

..Nimue. She mentioned that name before when telling me about Lars and how not to trust him...why the veil has to exist and how they need to stay living beyond it.

Did it really get through...

...and what is it?

"How do you know it's just an extension?" My voice is uneasy as I ask this, not knowing how much more Lailoken truly knows that I'm still learning how to grasp.

Lailoken arches a brow and replies, "We'd be dead if it were he."

"He?" I ask.

"Aeon is Selene's counterpart, one who's true form lays dormant beyond the veil as well as beneath the Earthen plane...a sleeping god, though his conscious is awake and is now on this plane of existence," Lailoken pauses a moment before he thinks it over, "the question is...who does he reside within?"

Darkness finds those who are broken...


"Dad..." my voice trails off as I flick my gaze upward toward the edges of the lake. I push off the ground, landing on the upper ledge while I feel the presence of my mates also appear alongside me.

There's something I can't understand though...Lailoken was able to connect with me mentally, something none of my other two mates can do because I've not been able to claim them. Was everything slipping and breaking through the surface of the glamour...that moment of when I cut myself?

How was he able to do what he did?

We're through the doors of Castle Valentine only moments later, walking through the hallways. I see a very hesitant Aohdan, Rochelle standing next to him as they are in the living room. The regard for my presence is quite different, so many questions laced with confusion fill their features. They don't ask though...because something much darker is within these walls.

Transgression (Ménage)✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ