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Acacia/Ciarán - Age 15

A smirk lingers on Vexy's lips as she grasps the bars in front of her cell, swaying slightly as she says, "Though I can't possibly tell for sure due to this confinement..." her voice trails off, glancing around the cell she resides within before she offers me a cheeky look and asks, "...you're wondering what I am, aren't you?"

Her ears tilt back forward and then outward again while I continue to stare at her curiously. I finally ask, "If I ask, would you bother to tell me...let alone the truth?"

"That all depends," she shifts her grip before leaning sideways, though her eyes never leave mine, "would you believe me either way?"

There are a few moments of silence as those unique eyes look at me.

When I say nothing, Vexy says, "From what I've gathered here...you're walking a dangerous thread that even you can't see..."

"What are you talking about?" I ask her, furrowing my brows with confusion.

She faces forward once again, bringing her nose between the bars before she sniffs a few short times. Vexy then inhales one large breath before she exhales, "I can smell them all over you."

"Them?" She could be referring to anyone at this point...

She leans back and in a matter-of-fact tone states, "You associate yourself with demons-"

"I don't-"

Vexy makes a sharp tsking sound that is also mixed with a yip. I close my mouth, watching as her eyes narrow on me before she says, "What they show themselves, as...their class, you could say...warlocks and witches, yet do you believe them human?" It's a rhetorical question because when I part my lips to speak, she silences me by shaking her head and proceeding with, "Of course you do. You believe but what you see and what you're told, but you haven't even scratched the surface of these creatures."

Appearing to have a lingering hatred toward them, it's bitter the way she says these words with resentment.

After a few moments, I tell her, "They're showing me magic..."

"Knowing what I've just told you," she arches a brow and questions, "what can you conclude? You're a clever girl Arin, but you're not the only one playing this game..."

Mercury's words ring in my head...

"Whatever game you think you're playing...you obviously don't know who all the players are."

What does Mercury want...?

What does he want...aside from taking out his hatred toward my mom out on me for what she did to his dad...

...I've never stopped to think for a moment and analyze what he said. Also...he did say players as in multiple...are there others out there planning something that I don't understand the reasoning why and their end goals?

"Can humans do magic?" I ask, trying to put two and two together about this class business she mentioned.

Vexy's smirk turns almost into an ugly grin when she replies, "Of course they can't."

"I'm not human..."

"No my dear," she shakes her head and finishes, "though I can tell you've been told this before and have continued to doubt yourself."

"Am I a witch?" It's the only thing I can go off of and continue, "I can do magic...but I couldn't when I needed to prove it."

Vexy tilts her head to the side and states, "Just because you can do magic doesn't make you a witch," she pauses while moving her hands as to list, "mermaid, faerie, different types of demons and many more..." she pauses and eyes me with a sly look, "...they aren't witches or warlocks, now are they?"

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