Chapter 55: Crazy For Me?

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The dress did wonders to my confidence. And when I stood in front of the mirror, it reflected back the girl I once was. I saw a gleam in my eyes instead of the sadness that they'd held since Jaimie... and a even bit of color returned to my face. I managed a small smile and turned to leave, ready to get Hunter and apologize for how awful I had been.

When I opened the door I jumped back and found Hunter staring at my door from the opposite side of the hallway. He was equally surprised and his eyes widened and then slowly travelled down the length of my dress only to finally find my face when he was done.

A light blush creeped onto Hunter's face and I felt a smile take over my face.

"I believe you planned a surprise date for us?" I broke the silence.

He nodded and he walked closer to me until I was completely wrapped up in a hug. It was a surprise but my arms quickly wrapped around him as well.

Hunter kissed the top of my head and whispered, "I'm so sorry, Em. I am so, so sorry."

"Me too, Hunt. I shouldn't have pushed you away like that. It wasn't your fault." I felt tears but refused to let them fall.

He pulled back out of the hug and cupped my face in his hands, "You deserve an explanation. And I promise you will get one tonight still. But if we don't leave soon we'll be late." A smile graced his lips and I felt myself drawn into him again. But this time it was Hunter pulling me in for a kiss.

I missed him so much and the way he softly kissed me made me realize he had missed me even more. I found my hands move to wrap around his neck as he gently walked us back so that I was against the wall.

"I though you said we need to leave soon." I whispered against his lips and felt him smile.

"Smartass." He punctuated the insult with a kiss.

So I did the same, "Hypocrite."

"Know it all."


"How does that even relate?"

"I don't know but at least you're a handsome jackass."

Hunter was laughing too hard so he had to pull away from me.

"It's not that funny." I said despite my smile and rolled my eyes. My only response was more laughter. "Ok. Hahaha, very funny. Now can we go please?" I dragged Hunter by the hand and pulled him downstairs.

I found Jade and my dad playing with their new born baby girl, Hannah, in the lounge.

"Emilia, you look stunning." Jade got up with Hannah in her arms and dad followed closely behind. I appreciated the compliment so I gave a small smile and nod.

"Em, dear, your mom and I want to give you something quickly if you wouldn't mind?" My dad looked at Hunter for confirmation that there was enough time and he got a nod in return.

Jade gave my dad an encouraging nod and when she moved to kiss him on the cheek, Hannah started crying. I had been told that Hunter had been her favorite and would almost instantly stop crying when he held her so that's what he did.

As I turned to leave with my dad, I looked back and saw Hunter swaying with Hannah as he sang to her. My thoughts flickered to what our child might look like. The thought shocked me but also sent a warm feeling throughout my body. And as he walked around with her and she stopped crying, my gosh I had never felt so in love before.


"Jaimie's promise ring." I looked down at the small silver band in my hands and clutched it tightly. "Thank you."

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