Chapter 21: He Moved His Hand Higher

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Hunter took me to the fight club where I beat up 2 guys. I was beaten up pretty bad by the time I had to fight the third guy. Hunter was watching me, unhappy that I was still fighting, but still giving me water and dabbing my bruises. He was sitting but jumped up when I got hit and started to bleed, I landed one final blow to my competitor's jaw before Hunter stepped into the ring.

"Stop! Em, we're going. Great meeting you Joe." He picked me up holding my face close to his chest and I felt him turn towards my competitor, "Dude, seriously. You fight like a girl. Worse. Cause a girl beat you."

I laughed at that.

Hunter turned and walked away. My eyes were shut tight, trying to numb the pain now that my adrenaline wasn't pumping.

"Sweetheart, you know I could've given you a bruise that was much more pleasurable."

I laughed but I could feel a bruise on my ribs so it soon turned into a cough.

Hunter sighed, "Not the best accessories for a wedding."

"Must I beat up you too?" I opened one eye to look up at at Hunter and he was looking down at me smirking.


Hunter carried me all the way to the car and lay me in the back seat. He lifted my shirt up and held his hand against my side.

"I don't think now's the time, Hunt." I laughed.

Hunter laughed too, "Well it's not how I wanted it to go either, sweetheart."

I blushed at Hunter's comment and then even more when he moved his hand higher.

"Hey." I said gently lifting my head while grabbing his wrist, "That's far enough."

"Em, you're bleeding!" He said leaning further over me till he was face to face with me.

"I know that. Took you a while to realize." I rested my head back down. I started laughing when I realized how Hunter was leaning over me. His legs on either side of my hips.

"What now, sweetheart?"

"If anyone walks past us..."

He sighed again and rubbed the back of his hand against my forehead.

"I'm taking you to the hospital."

"No Hunter."

"You're bleeding Em."

"It's a small cut that we can clean up at the hotel. Please no hospitals. My dad will be notified and I don't want to see him again so soon. Plus, it will make my mom worried and then I won't be able to go home with you."

Hunter looked down at me for a moment. My eyes flicked between the seat and Hunter, uncomfortable under his stare.

"You make a convincing argument, sweetheart. Okay, let's go clean you up then."


Hunter drove us to the hotel where he hid my face with a cap and a hoodie (he was worried that they wouldn't give us a key if they saw my face). When we got to the room, it was massive. It had a kitchen and a small pool on the balcony with an amazing view.

"Hunter...? There's only one bed..." I trailed off.

"Sweetheart, we'll worry about that later. Can we please get your cleaned up."

Hunter found packets of frozen vegetables in the fridge, for some reason they had that, and placed it on my side, shin, forehead and cheek as I lay across the couch.

"Em, I'm going to need you to hold still okay. This is going to burn 'cause I'm using alcohol to clean your cut." Hunter was kneeling down by my side.

"Hunter I don't think - " I screamed out in pain when the alcohol reached my skin unexpectedly.

"I'm sorry, Em." Hunter cooed as he brushed my hair out of my face. "I'm done now. Just putting a little plaster on."

I flinched when Hunter lifted the frozen veg and his warm hand touched my frozen skin.

"Still not the time, Hunt." I joked but he ignored me, clearly worried.

"Your dad is not going to be happy with me tomorrow."

"Imagine the pictures." I laughed.

"Oh shit no. I don't want to think of that."

Hunter placed the veg back on my side.

"Hunt, you take the bed. I'll stay here. I don't want to move too much."

"Em, you're hurt, I'm not leaving you on a couch."

The next thing I knew Hunter was removing all the frozen packets off me and then his arms were beneath my neck and legs. I wrapped my arms around his neck and breathed in his soft scent.

He gently lowered me onto the bed his forehead touching mine, he was leaning closer and my arms where still around his neck when the doorbell rang. Hunter left me to answer as I lay there thinking of what just happened. Hunter was going to kiss me.

"It was your dad. He wanted to speak to you but I told him you were sleeping."

"Thank you, Hunter." I said through a yawn.

"Lie properly sweetheart. I'm going to get those packets, see if we can reduce some of the swelling and bruising."

I fell asleep in the short time that Hunter was gone but woke up when ice was placed on my ribs.

"Sorry, sweetheart." He must've changed because he was wearing his infamous pajamas consisting of no shirt.

"Stop apologizing, would you? You've done nothing wrong, you're helping me." Hunter didn't say anything, "If you're worried that my dad's going to be pissed, I'll fight him."

I got a laugh out of Hunter for that one, "No more fighting for awhile."

Hunter started getting up from where I was sitting.

"There's enough space for you if you want?" I whispered, but he heard.

He stood there for a couple of minutes watching me, then turned around and came to remove the packets off of me and placed them on the floor. My eyes started closing as Hunter's arms wrapped around me and pulled me closer to him. His bare chest hitting my back each time he inhaled. I wasn't asleep completely yet, but Hunter must've assumed I was because he gently leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"I think I'm falling you for you, sweetheart, but I don't want to tell you yet because I'm worried I'll scare you off."

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