Chapter 52: My Hunter Maddox

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"Wakey wake, sweetheart!"

My eyes slowly opened and I looked around at the room I was still kept in. I can't tell the time of the day or how long I've been standing, chained to this pole. But in some weird and cruel way, it was fine as long as Jaimie kept visiting me.

I missed my sister. I hadn't seen her in over a decade, and I thought she was dead. Of course the circumstances weren't the best. Our kidnapped, whose name I still don't know, had only hit me a couple times on the days that I was feeling brave and gave him attitude. But I gave up hoping I would be found anytime soon. No one had found Jaimie in ten years... How would they find me now?

"You and Jaimie are going on a trip today!" He walked to stand in front of me to take in my appearance, "You'll only be going into town for a quick shop at the market and you'll be wearing a disguise so that I can still keep my Anderson girls."

"We're not your girls." I spat and I saw his jaw tick, "And how do you know I won't try get help?"

His humorless laugh sent chills throughout my body, "Trust me, sweetheart, you definitely won't even want to consider it."

The way he said it made me shut my mouth and obey. It was so much easier to follow his rules than go against it and get hurt.

"Jaimie's on her way now to help you get all dressed up! Remember, don't do anything you'll regret." He tapped my cheek lightly, almost affectionately, until he slapped it. My flinch was immediate, "I can do way worse than that. So listen to Jaimie and don't do anything stupid."

I only nodded my head.


"Don't look suspicious and keep your head down. Don't talk to anyone other than me. And don't do anything dumb." Jaimie recited just before we left.

Our kidnapper nodded in approval at Jaimie and opened the door to send us on our way, "Be safe my beautiful girls!"

We walked towards the market. I was wearing a blonde wig and enough make up to make me look different enough. My clothes were bright and cheery, not my typical black or red attire. No one would be able to recognize me. Not even Hunter...

Hunter. I sighed at the thought of him. I wondered if he was still here looking for me or if perhaps he went back.

"How long have I been in there?" I whispered to Jaimie.

"It'll be a month in a week." She looked at me sadly.

"I don't know how you've done this for so long. You're so brave." I breathed out and forced the tears back.

"I'm going to need you to be brave for me too. I'm going to get help." She looked at me and I stopped in my tracks.

"Jams, we can't." I stared at her.

"I'm getting you out if it's the last thing I do. As much as I loved the few short trips I took... I can't let you live the way I have lived. And each time I walk into your room and you have a new bruise - It - it breaks me." There was a single tear that slid down her cheek.

"I'm helping to get you out too. I'm not letting you stay there if I'm not. I'll find a way to get you out Jams."

"I know you will Mili, that's why I need you to do exactly as I tell you."

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