Chapter 54: Of Course I Do

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The days were getting better and the heartache and literal pain were starting to get better. My stitches had been removed yesterday.

A blinding light woke me up and for a second I felt panicked that I was back in that house, chained to the pole.

"Wake up bitch!"

The duvet was ripped off me and I was left squirming as my comfort was taken away from me.

I heard someone huff and mumble something along the lines of "you asked for this" under their breath.

It was silent for a few minutes until the sound of sharp sound of metal being hit made me shoot up in bed. Thank goodness for pain meds or that would have hurt. Fast movements still stung.

"I told you to wake up!" The violent noise continued even though I was sitting up.

I closed my eyes and death glared Ivy who was standing in my room, hitting a black pot with a wooden spoon.

"Can you shut up!" I screamed over the noise and her eyes shone with mischief.

"Good morning sunshine! It is a beautiful day so rise and shi - "

I didn't let her finish as I grabbed my blanket back and sat back again. Before my head could even touch the pillow she was banging the spoon on the pot again.

"Fine!" I screamed again as I sat up and took in the blissful silence, "Can you just stop being so savage and put the pot down."

She put the pot on the floor and made her way to me to wrap me in a hug.

"I nearly went insane this last month. I don't ever want you to scare me - and everyone else - like that ever again. Do you understand me?"

I smiled at Ivy and nodded.

"I'm so sorry. I tried to stop her but she insisted." Skylar came running into the room and smiled at Ivy and me so she came and joined us. We sat together in a hug for a few moments before Ivy pulled back and stared at me.

"Now can you get the fuck out of bed and put some decent, and preferably new, clothes on. We're going out."

"I really don't feel like - " I started.

"Bitch, you've been in here for how long? You need to get out." I stared at her in shock as Sky tried to stifle a giggle. "Listen Em, I know what happened was absolutely awful. I can't even put it into words but you can't sit here doing nothing. You can't stay cooped up in these rooms and let this take control of your life. You have to fight back, Em. Because at the end of the day you're the only one who can make yourself feel better. You're the only one who can fixed all your broken pieces. Of course we'll be here to help you but in the end it's your choice if you want to stay broken or if you want to heal..."

I stared at my beautiful best friends with tears in my eyes as I softly whispered, "I want to heal."


"Seriously? Shopping?" I groaned as Sky parked in front of the mall. "This is literally my worst nightmare."

Ivy and Sky stared at me but I ignored them and got out of the car. They followed shortly and as soon as we were inside the mall, I was being dragged to shop for clothes I didn't need.

"Girl, what's taking you so long?" Ivy's voice came through the door.

I stared at myself in the reflection and smiled at myself and the dress that I was wearing. The dark blue dress brought out the blue in my eyes. The actual dress was short and flowy but was covered by a thin layer of material which had a slit down the middle and opened as I moved. It was absolutely stunning. I felt a little bit more like myself and my thoughts even drifted to what Hunter might have thought about the dress.

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