Chapter 45: Sweet Dreams, Sweetheart

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I stayed up waiting for Hunter to come back. I hoped he wasn't taking his anger from his fight with his dad out on Tyler... Before my imagination could stray too far Hunter silently opened the door. When he saw I was still awake he motioned for me to follow him to his room.

Once the door was closed, I found Hunter slouched on his bed with his head in his hands.

"Hunt? Babe? Are you okay?" When he didn't answer I panicked, "Hunter, you're scaring me."

I understood why he was keeping his face hidden when he looked back up at me. There was a small bruise forming under his eye, resting on his cheekbone.

"Hunter?!" I ran out of his room, got a packet of frozen peas from the kitchen and ran back to him.

"Hunt. Please speak to me." I pleaded after sitting in silence for what felt like forever.

"I hit him." Was all he managed to say.

"He hit you too though, baby." I traced the light bruise with my finger.

"Once. Then he realized he wouldn't be able to stop me and just stood there and took my hits."


"He said Skylar wasn't "pleasing" him and he needed to find his "pleasure" elsewhere. He acted as if using her and lying to her and still cheating on her was nothing."

In that moment my heart swelled, Hunter cared about my best friend's as well. He knew we were happy when the other was happy and he knew we were sad when the other was sad.

"I did it because you looked so heart broken. You looked like you had lost everything and I hated - I fucking hated seeing you like that..."

"Hunt, I feel the same. I hate that I can't take away any of your anger of sadness that came from fighting with your dad."

"You don't understand, sweetheart."

"Trust me, Hunt, I've had a lot of fights with my dad too." I forced a half smile and received one back from Hunter.

After sitting in front of Hunter, both his hands in mine, neither of us speaking, he finally asked,"So what did Theo say to you outside."

My mood lifted at the thought of Juilliard. Removing the letter from my back pocket and handing it to Hunter, I started to explain what else Theo had told me, "I got offered a fully paid scholarship to Juilliard if my final performance for Theo's play is good enough," Hunter looked ecstatic but I quickly had to tell him the catch before he got too excited, "But. I'd have to drop out of college to practice more. And plus if I do drop out it's guaranteed I'll be an intern for six months."

Hunter plastered on a smile.

"Hunt? What's wrong?" He was avoiding eye contact with me, staring down at his feet.

He took a deep breath before looking at me, "You'd just be so far away and what about writing the book with Professor Jones?"

"That's what makes this so hard. But I'll be a hundred percent honest with you. I have always dreamed of living in New York City. I remember researching Juilliard when I was only twelve and now I have the opportunity? It's basically my dream! I can see myself on the stage performing for small audiences and then one day, Broadway. Can't you just see me on stage?" I finished my rambled and looked up at Hunter who was smiling at me.

I blushed under his gaze, "What?"

"That was beautiful. The purest thing I've even seen in my entire life."

He lifted my chin up with his finger and gave me the softest kiss, "Sweetheart, it's moments like these where I think I might - I think I might understand what you mean."

I frowned and laughed at the confusing sentence.

He was upset and he tried hiding it but I knew him too well, "It's been a long day and I'm really tired so I'm gonna sleep. I assume you'll stay with Sky?"

I nodded then stood up to leave, "Good night, Hunter."

"Sweet dreams, sweetheart."


"You sure you two will be okay here? If he comes knocking just - "

I laughed at his protectiveness, "Hunter, I know how to fight, thank you very much."

I walked him to the door, away from Sky, before stealing a kiss.

"You sure you don't want to go to class? Take her with you? It might be a good distraction?" Hunter offered

"A good distraction is a shit ton of unhealthy food and Disney movies." I countered, "Plus, she would've done it for me if this happened. Now go or you'll miss class."

"I'll see you soon, sweetheart." Hunter left me with a kiss before he was on his way.

"How are you feeling, Sky?" I sat myself down next to her on the couch. Her only response was a shrug. "Well for now I'll make us Nutella waffles and for lunch we can order in pizza. And of course the fridge is stocked with ice cream and any other snacks you can think of."

"Thanks." At least it was a word this time.


After lunch, we were still in our pajamas and had just finished watching Mulan.

"Okay, I have got to go for a shower but I'll be back very soon. You just watch what you want." I handed her the remote after standing and headed to the bathroom.

"Thanks, Em. I love you..."

"Love you too!" I called out before stepping into the bathroom.

The water seemed to calm me although I didn't know why I was stressing. I didn't have any assignments due any time soon; Hunter was acting strange with his dad but things between us were fine. Sky was heart broken but Tyler wouldn't come try visit today since Hunter's visit yesterday. Maybe it could be the whole Juilliard situation. That's probably it.

But after stepping out the shower, I knew it wasn't about Juilliard. There was a feeling I got in the pit of my stomach that told me something was gravely wrong. Something bad had happened. That same feeling also told me to step out into the hallway.

It's the reason I saw that headline, it's the reason the front door was being opened and the reason my body felt broken beyond repair.

My world had just come crashing down.

Ooooh... Cliffhanger!!! Wonder what it means... Just kidding, I know! So the next chapter should be out soon enough :)

Leave your theories in the comments and remember to follow and vote! xxx

The Bad Boy Is A Virgin Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora