Chapter 19: That Was Hot

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"Yes! I officially just handed in my last assignment! One week of holiday here I come! I need a proper dress for my dad's shitty wedding so you're coming with me." I laughed as I pulled Hunter behind me.

"Slow down, sweetheart. I think you need a better celebration than shopping. I know how much you hate it." He laughed, "We haven't gone on a proper date in ages, so I'm taking you on one."

Hunter was right, I kept rejecting him for any 'real' dates because I wanted to do well in my first term and I had been. I felt bad because he was clearly trying to make an effort and I was starting to enjoy his company.

I'd gone with him to buy a new tux for my dad's wedding (that's when he found out I hated shopping) and he took me for an occasional coffee date in between classes. He even made food when I was busy on a project or writing an essay and forced me out of my room if I'd been cooped up in there for too long.

"Okay." I shrugged.

"No argument, sweetheart? You must really be warming up to me." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes and walked away, "Where we going?"

"It's a surprise, but dress casually and bring a jacket incase you get cold..." He thought for a moment, "Oh and I don't recommend heels, we'll be walking for a while. You have 30 minutes."

"Don't give me a time limit, Hunt."

"Then I leave without you, sweetheart and what's the point of that?"


"The planetarium?" I asked staring up at the large building reflecting in the night.

"My dad's friend runs the place, I get to come here whenever I want. And it's free." He winked as he slung his arm around my shoulder.

"Mr Maddox. Great seeing you again." The guard at the door greeted, "you must be Miss Anderson. Please go right in."

I nodded in thanks and stepped inside. I was surprised he knew my name but Hunter must've told them. The entire planetarium was empty except for Hunter and I.

"Which planet you want to go to sweetheart?"


"That's not a planet."

"It actually is," I argued, "After they declared it a dwarf planet and therefore not a planet. A few years later they found out that it was larger than they thought so they declared it a planet again or they're thinking of declaring it one. But still, it's a planet."

I blushed when I realized I was rambling. Hunter had never seen my nerd side completely yet. He just did.

Hunter raised an eyebrow, "That was hot."

I laughed and the sound ricocheted off the empty walls.


Hunter lead me around the entire planetarium and then he took me to a dark corridor.

"Hunter, just because your plan of killing me at the park didn't work, doesn't mean you should try it here. There's cameras and the guard - "

Hunter cut me off when he pushed me against the wall with his hands on my hips.

"I'm not going to kill you, sweetheart. I'm growing rather fond of you if I must be honest."

I couldn't see Hunter properly in the dark. I could only feel his warmth and see his eyes glowing. Oh, and his lips. I could see those too.

"Now follow me." He said moving away and pulling me deeper into the dark.

We walked for a few more moments and then Hunter stopped and felt around for something. The next thing I knew I was able to see again. The sudden light, although it wasn't bright, made me blink. When my eyes adjusted to the lights I could see a small table.

"Look up." Hunter said with his hand resting on the small of my back.

I lifted my chin and gasped, "It's stunning." I whispered.

"It is." I could see Hunter wasn't look up at the star filled sky but rather me. I pretended that I didn't notice but my blush gave it away. I appreciated it when he didn't say anything and I think he felt the same.

"Come on. Food's gonna get cold." He said after a long time of just looking up.

When I sat down at the table there was a small envolope with my name on it.

"Can I open it now?" I asked enthusiastically.

Hunter just nodded, he looked nervous.
When I opened the envelope there was a paper inside, it had the emblem of the planetarium.

Hunter had bought a star for me.

"I...umm...I didn't want to name it." Hunter rubbed his neck, "I mean I was going to name it sweetheart but then - " He laughed anxiously.

"Hunt... It's perfect, thank you. But what's this for?

"No reason." He shrugged, "Do you know what you want to name it?"

"I'm not so sure at the moment. Would you mind if I kept it and then gave it to you when I've decided?"

"Of course, sweetheart." He was becoming more comfortable.

"Hunter Maddox, I have no idea how you keep topping these dates?"

"I've got a much better one planned." He was smirking.

"I don't think you can top buying someone a star." I laughed.

"I have other plans in mind, sweetheart."

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