Chapter 27: She Kneed Me In The Nuts

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"Thank you so much for everything." I hugged June.

"Hope the beds were comfortable enough." John joked when I gave him a hug.

"Dad..." Hunter moaned and we were both blushing this time.

Jude ran up to me nearly knocking me over, "Em! I'm going to miss you so so so so much."

"Oh Jude. I'll miss you too. I promise I'll come back to visit again." I picked him up and spun him around.

"And you too Cath." I picked her up and held her tight against me.

"Please come visit anytime." John said.

"Come on, sweetheart. We should probably get going. Bye everyone!" Hunter was carrying our bags

I sighed when I sat down in the car, "You have a beautiful family."

Hunter smiled and looked at me, "And you'll have a younger sibling soon."

I ignored the topic of my dad and Jade, "How come your siblings are so much younger than you?"

Hunter was quiet, "My mom struggled getting pregnant again after me."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"No need." Hunter rested his hand on my knee, "Look at Jude and Cath now."

Hunter and I spent the rest of the shorter drive singing along to the songs we knew and talking about the last week.


"What now?" Hunter looked up at the apartment buildings in front of us.

I looked up from my phone, "Ty and Sky are coming over to make pizza."

Hunter sighed, "I thought it was just going to be us."

"You had me for the whole week." I leaned right up to Hunter's face but moved away and jumped out of the car before our lips met.

"Sweetheart, you can't do that to me." The door closed behind him.

I sprinted towards the apartment block and into the elevator. Hunter pulled the door open just as it started to close.

"You're stuck with me now." Hunter pinned my arms above my head and he took his time before he finally brought his lips closer to mine. I used the opportunity while his eyes were closed to knee him in the groin.

"What the fu -" Hunter screamed but stopped when he saw that I was crying from laughter. "You're crying." This made Hunter laugh too, even in his pain.

I stumbled to Skylar's door and Hunter was slowly wobbling behind me.

"You know, if you didn't want to kiss me, you could have just said." Hunter leaned against the wall.

"What happened to you?" Tyler asked Hunter.

"She kneed me in the nuts." Hunter breathed out.

Tyler was in fits of laughter and so was Sky when she heard.

Ty fetched Hunter a frozen pack of peas. He held them there while all of us were still laughing.

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