Chapter 50: You're A Feisty One

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Since my mom had obviously forgotten about me and driven off to who knows where and she needed time to cool off so I couldn't call her. The only other person I could call was Hunter.

Hunter picked up after the first ring, "Sweetheart?"

"Hi Hunt. Umm... My mom kinda left me at the station. Do you think you could come fetch me." I was surprisingly calm considering I had just seen my sister's dead body.

Hunter breathed a sigh of relief, "Of course. Just send me your location and I'll be there."

While waiting in the cold for Hunter to arrive I looked down at the ticket my sister had left for me. She had put my name on the ticket and it was for first class. We didn't have that much money to afford this ticket. And the poem. What was so significant about the poem? Surely there was a point other than her asking my to promise to travel?

Theories swirled in my head as Hunter pulled up in front of me.

"Sweetheart, you're frozen!" Hunter said as he placed a hand against my cheek. 

"The cold never bothered me anyway." I half-heartedly sang which received a light chuckle from Hunt.

"Where did your mom go?" Hunter asked as we drove to my house.

"She caused a bit of a scene so they asked her to leave." I said slightly embarrassed.

"Hey. Are you okay, Em? You don't look too good." Hunter frowned when he quickly looked over at me.

"You sure know how to make a girl feel special, Maddox." Even my joke didn't sound sincere.

"Was it - Did - " Hunter was struggling to ask but I knew what he wanted to know.

"It's her body. At least that's what my mom said. I don't know though. Something was off for me. Her eyes..." I trailed off.

"You don't think it was someone else do you?"

"I don't know Hunt. Just pull over and I'll show you what I found." I pointed to a clearing on the side of the road not too far.

"Okay... What's happening sweetheart?" Hunter parked the car and turned in his seat to face me.

"I found these." I said as I pulled out the papers from my pocket. I shuffled them into order before handing it to Hunter.

"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening." Hunter said after reading the first line.

"You know it?" I asked genuinely surprised. Not to judge but Hunter didn't look like the poetry type.

"Robert Frost. My father always read it to me," he said this with a scowl which reminded me that he and John were not on good terms, "I haven't heard it in ages but I could still recite it."

And he did. Each word echoing in my head formulating the only conclusion that made sense in my head. Immediately after Hunter said the last line I spoke.

"My sister isn't dead." My voice sounded stronger than it had since I found out about her alleged death.

"What?" Hunter was frowning at me again.

"There's no way she can be dead. The ink on the paper is too - "

"Emilia, you're in shock. Your sister, I'm sorry, but she's gone."

"No." I said shaking my head, "No Hunter. My sister is alive."

"Emilia, sweetheart, she can't be. You saw her body..." his face clearly reflected his concern.

"Hunter! She's alive!" I said hitting the dashboard which made Hunter flinch.

"Em, it's impossible - "

He tried to take my hand but instead I jumped out of the car before he could and followed the path that lead through the bushes Hunter had stopped next to. I knew he couldn't follow me with his car so it would be easy enough to lose him and I highly doubted Hunter would follow me, he could see I needed time. I also had the advantage of knowing the town like the back of my hand. Unfortunately, it was also snowing so I was only getting colder and the fact that the sun was setting didn't help either.


I found myself in the park on the opposite side of town from where I lived. Hunter had tried calling me a few times and my mom too. I'm sure they could be driving around these parts just as I sat her on a bench.

Just as this thought occurred to me, I feel a hand cover my mouth and I'm about to squirm out of Hunter's grip and ask him to give me some time alone before I realize that these are not Hunter's hands.

These hands are rough and forceful, hurting me as they force my head backwards and closer to the person's body. I try to scream to alert anyone nearby but I've wondered into one of the most desolate areas in the town. No one will hear me and anyway this guy, yes I've established it's a man, has his hand wrapped so tightly around my mouth it's as if he's forcing my scream back into my lungs.

When my head was yanked even further back I tried to stand so that I could at least try attack whoever was holding me.

My fighting instinct kicked in and I tried to kick him in the crown jewels, he anticipated the movement and jumped back, pulling me back with him and I stumbled trying to catch myself.

"You're a feisty one, aren't you?" The man's voice was rough and dark, it made me squirm. His laugh that followed is even worse. It vibrated through my back and I felt it travel all the way down me.

But it's when he turns me around that I nearly jump back. Or try to since he's still got a strong hold on me. But it's his eyes. It's the exact same shade as Hunter's. It makes me relax before I realize that this is not my Hunter.

My insides are screaming louder than I ever could and I beg myself not to cry. There is no way that this could ever turn out good. And I'm right. His next words shock me so much that I allow myself to be struck into unconsciousness by the stranger.

"Jaimie warned me about that, sweetheart."

Cue dramatic music! Don't hate me please cause I love you all to prove it I'll upload another chapter with the next 24 hours, okay?

Just in case you didn't get it, Emilia is knocked unconscious. Don't know why just thought I should clarify. Leave theories in the comments

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