Promises Made

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Close to what I imagine her mark to look like --------------------------------------------------------->

Here's the next chapter!!:) Hope it's longer so it was worth the wait, but I don't know. It's not edited so sorry if there are many mistakes!



***McKenna's P.O.V.***

 At the moment, I'm sitting in Taylor's lap, on the ground and listening to Mason, who's holding an emergency pack meeting to explain everything that's happened in the backyard. 

Also, ever since we got back to the pack house, Taylor has not let me out of his sight. He even stood outside the door when I went to the bathroom. I guess it's nice to know he cares so much, but it's already starting to get annoying. He is always within arm’s reach of me, like he's afraid I'll disappear or something, but I'd never do that to him. He's my mate and even though I've only known him for about two days now, I love him and I know he loves me.

"The group of rogues who kidnapped your future Luna is dead." Mason continues. "There is no need to worry about them coming back, but to make sure nothing like this ever happens again, new patrol schedules are going to be made and start tomorrow."

Taylor wraps his arms around my waist and buries his head in the crook of my neck. His breath tickles and I suppress a giggle.

"Tay, not here." I mumble. I feel his body shake with silent laughter as he sits up straight again. I slide out of his lap to sit next to him, knowing that he won't stop teasing me if I don't.

April, who is sitting a couple feet away, smirks at us, but doesn't say anything like she could. At least she picks this one time not to make a joke. I think if the circumstances would have different, she wouldn't have hesitated to say something.

I turn my attention back to my new alpha and try to listen, but can't seem to concentrate on his words. I'm still worried about Terra. I wanted to be with her because it's technically my fault that she is hurt because I was kidnapped, but I was told by several people that the mate of the future alpha has to attend all pack meetings. I didn't want to, but I complied due to some persuasion from my mate. He promised to make me double fudge chocolate cake and anyone who knows me, knows how I love chocolate. How could I say no? Ok, so I don't really need it, but it’s delicious and I am getting totally off topic. Terra shouldn't have had to go through what she did for me, but she did because that's the type of person she is. She puts others before herself.

Sensing my anxiety, Tay grabs my hand in his larger ones and gives it a squeeze.

"Don't worry. She’s going to be ok." I look from his smiling face and over his shoulder at the person jogging to our position. I gasp, causing Taylor to jump to his feet and stand protectively in front of me.

I see his shoulders tense as he looks at Terra, looking healthy and filled with renewed energy. How is that even possible? She was just on the verge of death only about an hour ago and now she looks as if nothing ever happened to her. Sure, her clothes are still bloody, but that's the only thing that's showing any of the previous events ever happened. Even the bruises on her face are gone and usually it would take about a day for them to heal.

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