Found and Accepted

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Jessica Stroup as Bryn --------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

***McKenna's P.O.V.***

The chains binding me to the wall are uncomfortably tight and stained with my blood. I learned the hard way, that they are made of titanium, which werewolves can't break for some unknown reason, and now my wrists are raw and throbbing.

I look around the dark, musty dungeon in the basement of the abandoned house we're in. All I know is that it's in the forest somewhere in Mason's territory. I haven't been in this area before to know exactly where I am and I think Grant gave me something before he left me here alone because I can't shift nor can I contact my girls through our link, but if I'm still on my mate's land, he'll find me... I hope.

I readjust my body so that I'm sitting on my knees with my back against the cool stonewall.

I can feel the drug in my system, slowly making me tired, but I refuse to give into it. That would be like giving up and losing to the likes of him. He will not see me weak and he definitely won't see me cry because I am not a weak person. I'm strong-willed and refuse to bow down to him just because I'm the captive in this situation.

"Never." I say to myself and glare at the door, thinking that it might magically open and in walks my knight in shining armor.

Nothing happens, but hey, it was worth a shot. I really have nothing else to do since I'm alone and bound to a wall.

Feeling defeated, I rest my head against the wall and close my eyes and with each passing minute, the drug is getting stronger and harder to fight.

Why does all this have to happen to me? First, I have an abusive father and I have to leave with my sister in order to protect her. We met Char by chance and it was lucky we did because I don't know how long we would have lasted on our own. The only other person with her was a girl named Noria, who was killed in a rogue attack, April, Bella and Violet. The others joined soon after we did and Terra is the newest arrival to our pack. It's been around seven months now that she arrived and no one new has showed up. That's good right?

Second, I find my mate (which isn't the bad thing) and at the same time my dad finds me. He beat me up to try to get information out of me, but I wouldn't tell him and ruin my sister's future with her mate. If I couldn't be happy with mine she should at least be happy with hers.

Thirdly, I get kidnapped after the best night of my life and held for ransom. I'm pretty sure they're going to kill me anyways to make Taylor suffer. The thought of my mate sad and hurt makes my chest tighten. I may never see him again and I knew him for all of a couple hours. Not to mention that the beautiful dress Terra got me is ruined.

One of the straps is broken and the ends of the dress are ripped. It's matted with dirt, blood and now grime from this disgusting floor. The only thing that's in one piece is my leather jacket and I'm thankful for that because it's not warm down here.

"Kenny." A familiar voice whispers and my eyes shoot open, my body on full alert.

I squint in the darkness and make out the shape of a person a few feet in front of me. I specifically see her blonde hair and the glowing eyes of her wolf.

I struggle against my chains and move toward her as far as I can.

"Terra, you shouldn't be here! If they catch you, you'll be kept here like me." I tell her quickly and in a low voice so there's no chance of the rogues upstairs hearing me.

"They can see me, but I won't be trapped here." She steps closer and I gasp.

Her eyes are glowing a rich gold color instead of her usual brown. She kneels in front of me and takes in my appearance.

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