Chapter 47

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Colby's POV

I looked at Clara for a second and she nodded.

"What are you thinking?" I asked.

"I'm happy but I need time to think. Give me five hours before you call," I said

She looked a little shocked and I stood up and left the house. I had two things that I wanted to do so I headed back to the fields. I let myself in and no one else was there. It was where I went when I needed be distracted.

I started to work. I was in shorts and shirt but bare feet because I didn't have shoes to run in and I couldn't get into the locker room. I set an alarm to remind myself to leave after four hours in case I forget. Sometimes I get distracted.

I worked for as long as I could but I was still tired after the game. I pushed through the pain until I was so exhausted that I collapsed on the field. I should go back to Clara but I had one more thing that I wanted to do beforehand.

I headed over to TJ's house and I knocked on the door. It took him a minute before he answered the door.

"What are you doing here? And why do you look like you are going to crash?" he asked.

"Clara is pregnant," I said as I walked in.

"Isn't that great?" he asked as we sat down.

"I'm nervous, though," I admitted.

"Isn't everyone?"

"Yeah but after my childhood I'm worried that something like might happen."

"Colby you are going to make an amazing father and you don't have to worry about being like you Dad because you are a completely different person."

I nodded but I wasn't completely convinced. TJ hit me across the shoulder and I realised that he might be right.

"Thanks," I said as I stood up.

I then realised that there was someone else in the house. TJ knew that I had reached that conclusion and he started to shake his head.

"No, no, no," he stuttered.

"Who is here?" I asked.

He stuttered but didn't get an answer out. I decided to take things into my own hands and I headed into TJ's bedroom. I saw a girl sitting on his bed and she was reading a book but she looked up when she heard me come in.

"I knew it, I knew it. Blake owes me 20 dollars," I cheered.

"You were betting on me?" TJ asked.

"Hey, we both noticed that you were texting someone a bit and I guessed that it was Piper," I smirked.

Piper is Coach's daughter and I'm guessing that he didn't know. I had guessed it was her because they talked a bit and he would come off a little nervous when he talked to her.

"Don't you have your own problems?" TJ asked.

"Yeah but I don't have to tell Coach that I'm dating his daughter. It's nice to see you Piper. I think that you are good for TJ," I told her before leaving.

Clara was waiting for me in the same place I left her. I sat down opposite her and I felt like I had to explain myself.

"I was scared. You know what my Dad was like. I was worried that I might be like that," I explained.

"Colby, you don't have to be worried. I know you and after seeing you with Cody the other day you will be an amazing Dad," she said.

I nodded and I wrapped her in a tight hug. I couldn't believe that this was happening to me.

TJ and I were eating breakfast when Blake came in and I waved him over. TJ realised what I was going to tell Blake and he started shaking his head. I just laughed at him.

"I went around to TJ's house and I found him there with Piper," I told him when he sat down.

"Really?" Blake asked, smirking at TJ who had ducked his head.

"I thinking that you owe me 20," I teased.

The blush on TJ's face didn't leave for at least ten minutes as we kept teasing him. The rest of the secondary joined us. They all knew about my bet with Blake so they all knew about the relationship. None of us were stupid enough to tell Coach though. That is TJ's problem.

"What about you Colby? Don't you have something to say?" TJ asked.

"Clara is pregnant," I said before TJ could say anything.

Everyone started congratulating me. TJ was the only one that knew about my Dad so I wasn't going to tell about anything else. I wasn't going to tell them now. It was a pretty relaxed day with wall-through instead of a real practice.

As a secondary decided to TJ's house and hang out instead of staying for dinner here. I invited Christian as well because he was nice and he got along with us. TJ's house was crazy with the ten of us. We were all guys and it meant that there was lots of noise and food.

I was stretched out on the floor watching Blake and Curtis play Madden together. They were both cursing at the screen and the rest of the guys were laughing. I headed out of the room to find more food. Christian joined me moments later and he stood opposite me.

"How do you deal with your brother?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I know that you and Adam don't get along. How do you deal with the fact that your Dad liked him better and always pushed you down?" he asked.

"How did you know?"

"My Dad was the same. I notice when other people go through the same thing."

"I always knew that I never wanted to be liked Adam so I spent as much time away from them as possible. I haven't seen them much since high school and when I see them I remember what I have," I told him.

"Does it work?"

"Look you have great friends, you are going to be an amazing quarterback. You don't have to be someone else."

"You are going to make a great Dad," Christian told me.

I nodded and I turned to face him.

"If you ever have something you want to talk to me about you family then come to me. I know what you have gone through," I told him.

"Stop making out up there and come and join us," TJ yelled at us.

Christian and I both turned bright red and stopped talking about our Dads. It was nice to have someone to talk to that has gone through the same thing. We headed back in to see Blake and Curtis still playing and cursing. I took my seat again and I started to realise that I have great things in my life. My Dad can't affect me anymore and Christian should feel the same.


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The Wise One

Out on the FieldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora