Chapter 43

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Colby's POV

Finally our dismal season came to an end at 2-14 again. It became official that Mitchell Hogan was released by the Texans and I knew that the management was looking for a new Quarterback. With the end of the season came the Pro Bowl. This year it was in Hawaii and I was excited to go and play but the NFL honours were after that.

I didn't know who was on my Pro-Bowl team but I knew that TJ was on the other team. The game is crazy. There were so many people and it was different playing with completely different players. I stood in the locker room.

More and more players started coming in and gathered with the other defensive backs. We had done a bit of work together so I was beginning to know them well. I got along really well with the other starting cornerback Leon Cooper of the Steelers.

He was the opposite of me. He was loud and funny and I liked hanging out with him even if he plays for the Steelers. We worked well together and I liked to play with him. Coach said one last thing before we ran onto the field to start.

It was weird seeing everyone in the same uniforms but with different helmets. Clara wasn't able to come this year because she was working but she was going to be able to come to the Honours night. We started with the ball so I stood on the side lines with the rest of the defensive backs.

Leon was telling some cheesy joke and I hit him across the chest. He dramatically flopped to the ground and we all laughed at him. He didn't get up off the ground until we were needed on the field.

The whole Pro-bowl was a fun especially since we were the team that won so I had bragging rights over TJ. Leon, TJ and I decided to out for dinner tomorrow and probably some of the other defensive backs might join us as well.

We found a small restaurant and we were lucky that no one recognised us. The three of us could talk for hours about our position and the games that we have played. Leon was funny and he had a lot of good stories from Pittsburgh.

Some of the other defensive backs joined us later and our table got noisier and more and more stories were getting shared. I liked this and it was nothing like what the Texans is like and we are from different teams.

I was having a good talk to Leon still and he still hadn't seemed to run out of jokes or stories to tell the whole time that we have been here. He always had something to say and he had a talent of making people laugh.

"So you have a girlfriend back in Houston?" Leon asked.

"She is taller than he is," TJ added.

Everyone seemed to have heard this and they started to laugh at me. I looked down and I wanted to hit TJ but I couldn't reach him.

"Stand up," someone said.

I groaned but I did stand up. Leon stood up and stood beside me and he is 6 foot 2 which is five inches taller than me.

"How tall are you?"

"Five foot nine," I admitted.

Everyone started to laugh more and I quickly sat down again. I knew that I was short but I always felt a bit subconscious. It took about ten minutes before they could stop talking about my height. I was going to get TJ back for this.

The NFL honours was held in San Francisco this year. It was held at some hall somewhere. I didn't know what it was called; I just knew how to get there. I opened our hotel bedroom and I saw Clara standing there and I had to pick my jaw up off the floor.

She was wearing a skin-hugging forest green dress and thankfully wasn't wearing heels.

"You look beautiful," I told her and kissed her.

"You look pretty handsome yourself," she said looking me up and down.

I linked arms with her and we headed downstairs. The media here was worse than anything that I had faced because the biggest stars are here. I got told which way to face as I took photos by myself and then with Clara before I was able to escape and head inside.

There were a lot of awards which I didn't really care about. All the offensive awards I didn't really care for because I didn't know the players up for them.

"And Defensive Rookie of the year is..."

"Colby Wood, Houston Texans."

I hugged Clara before started to walk towards the stage. I was expected to give a speech and this was the bit that I was more worried about. I accepted the trophy and started my short and sweet speech. I thanked the people that needed to be and then sat back down.

I was curious who would win Defensive player of the year.

"And the Defensive Player of the year is ..."

"Colby Wood, Houston Texans."

I was shocked when I stood up again. I wasn't expecting this and it clearly showed on my face. I accepted the trophy. I couldn't believe that I got defensive rookie and defensive player of the year. The awards ceremony wrapped up not long later and I was glad to be able to leave.

Clara and I headed back to our hotel and I suddenly realised just how tired I was after the season that I had had. I pulled my jacket off and collapsed on the couch. Clara changed out of her dress and joined me moments later.

"What are we going to do?" she asked.

"Are we going to back to our hometown?" I asked.

"I want to. Are you ok with that?"

I nodded and we started to talk about what we were going to do over the off-season. I think what most people don't realise is that we don't stop training. I can't come back to training camp and have not trained for months. I have to keep working but I can do it where I want.

We hadn't really talked much about the wedding yet but I knew that it made sense to have it over the off-season and when we were back in our hometown.

"I saw that Mitchell had been officially realised from the Texans," she said.

"Yeah, Coach hinted that there might be a few other cuts but I don't know who they are thinking of cutting," I added.

"How did you find the Pro Bowl?" she asked.

"It was a lot of fun. I'm friends with a few other defensive backs now," I said.

Clara drifted off to sleep on the couch and I lifted her off and I carried her into the bedroom. I curled up in bed next to her and I started to fall asleep with her.


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