Chapter 37

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Colby's POV

So many people have told me that the combine is like the biggest job interview you ever have. It is four days of nervousness. As a defensive back we were the last group to arrive in Indianapolis which was a Friday at the end of February.

I didn't really know any of the other defensive backs because none of the others from Alabama were here and I didn't know any others. We all signed in and had to sign health wavers before we started. Since my last name is Wood I found out that I was the last cornerback and I had number 37.

We were all given grey shirts with our number and position. It was a lot of waiting around because I was the last one to go in for the first round of physicals. I was trying to keep myself occupied. Some of the other cornerbacks had teammates here but not many did.

I wasn't one to socialise so I sat there and read for a while. More and more people started to disappear. I knew that James was here somewhere but he as a running back today was his last day so he was out doing the workouts.

I got called into a ballroom style room and there was a doctor from all 32 teams. I knew that all the results got shared so I only saw 16 of the doctors. It was a pretty basic physical, all the usual things that happen and drug testing.

It was pretty boring for the most part and I got dismissed after a while. I got a text from James telling me that he was done and we arranged to meet up outside. He looked exhausted but he had a bright smile on his face.

"How was it?" I asked.

"It was terrifying but it was a lot of fun," he said.

We didn't talk for long because he was heading home for a couple of days before we met back up in Alabama to keep training together before the draft. He left and I headed back inside and got told that I was done for the day.

The second day was the most important of all four days. I was the last one in again. All the doctors were divided in six groups and I was seen by the Pats, Texans, Rams, Browns and Vikings. This was more comprehensive than yesterdays.

"Have you have any serious injuries?" I got asked to start with.

"Not really," I said they started.

It was really strange but the teams wanted players that were going to stay fit and be able to play for a couple of years.

"Is there anything else we need to know?" one of the doctors asked.

"I'm red/ green colour blind," I said after a moment's hesitation.

I don't think that they know what to say to me because it was a bit surprising. I got let go a couple of minutes later and I don't think anything came up that would turn a team off drafting me.

Interviews with teams started around six in the evening. I had got given a card in the morning and I had ten interviews so I was going to be busy. I got directed into a hotel room for my first interview and you didn't know who you are meeting until you walk into the room.

The first team I met was the Bucs and I smiled when I walked in. I took a seat opposite the executives and Coaches. They all made the most of the fifteen minutes talking me before I had to leave to go talk to someone else.

The last team that I meet was the Texans and it was around ten at night. I walked in and I was tired and I was sick of talking to all the coaches and executives.

"I'm going to be completely honestly. I think that you are too short," the Head Coach said.

I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes because it was force of habit. I hate all these people that don't think that I can play because I'm short.

"Then don't draft me. I can play perfectly fine," I said honestly.

I think that everyone in the room was a bit surprised that I said that but I don't really have a filter.

"I do think that you are a really good player though," one of the other men said.

We talked for a couple more minutes until our allotted fifteen minutes was up. I was glad to be able to escape and not have to face any more of these stupid interviews. I tried to be nice and respectful but when they keep telling me that I'm too short I get sick of it.

The third day was more testing but now started with psychology test known as the Wonderlic test. I don't really know what the point is but I'm not a psychologist is. It wasn't a particular hard test for me. It wasn't a memory thing but I because read a lot these sort of things are easy.

The twelve minutes was more than enough time for me to complete it. The rest of the day was more talking and it was pretty boring and I was looking forward to tomorrow. I called Clara and sat down on the floor and she answered immediately.

"How is it going?" she asked.

"It's been pretty boring but it's been nerve-wracking," I admitted.

I pulled my knees to my chest as we continued to talk. People walked past me and many of the official looking people looked at me like I was a little strange. I guess that there are more comfortable places to have a conversation but I didn't really care.

Talking to Clara was easy and it helped me calm down. She was telling me about something that her room did and I was only half listening because I was watching everyone walking around me. Clara and I talked for at least an hour before I hung up in search of food.

The last day was the day that everyone thinks of when they think of the combine. We had done the bench press yesterday in which I had a bench press of 16 which I didn't think was too bad. We started with the 40 yard dash.

I had a time 4.35 which I was very impressed with. We moved onto the vertical and horizontal jumps. There were the two sections that I was most confident in because I had spent so much time improving both of mine because to be able to go up against taller players I needed to be able to jump.

I stood on the line for the vertical jump and prepared to jump. I pushed off the ground and leapt forward. They measure it and it was 11 foot 6 and I moved to the vertical jump. I jumped 44 inches for my vertical jump.

We moved on more running drills and I was working as hard as I could. We were the last group to be at the combine and I was a bit tired. I really hoped that I made a good impression and I really wanted to be drafted.


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