Chapter 31

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Matthew's POV

I stood on the side lines with Clara as the players came out to start the game. Colby was on the field first and he looked focused. Coach wanted me to go down and see how he plays and relay it back to him when I get back.

Colby played well but the other team still got a touchdown. Colby joined us on the side lines and grabbed a drink from Clara. The offense was on and we were all watching that. One of the receivers caught the ball.

The whole stadium went quiet when he landed on the ground. He didn't move for at least thirty seconds. Medics rushed the player and he was stretched off the field. It looked like the player was conscious once they got off the field but he wouldn't be able to play.

"Colby come over here," Coach called.

I hear Colby mutter a few curse words under his breath before grabbing his helmet from the bench and headed towards Coach. I didn't bother follow him because I knew they would talking about something.

Another receiver ran into the field and the game started again. I glanced at the number on his back I was confused. I was sure that number 32 was Colby's number and it isn't a usual number for a wide receiver.

"Isn't that Colby's number?" I asked Clara.

"Yeah, that is Colby," she said.

"I didn't know that he played receiver," I murmured.

"Did you see him when he went to Alabama? He took a couple of snaps."

"I didn't realise," I said.

We turned back to the game just in time to see Colby catch a long pass. He stiff armed a defender and made it another five yards before being pulled down. I wasn't surprised that Colby made a good receiver and that added another thing to his long list of skills.

Colby caught the three yard touchdown pass and it meant the score was tied up after the extra point. He barely had enough time to grab a drink before running back onto the field with the defence.

I was in awe of Colby. He was playing both sides of the ball and he looked exhausted and it was only halftime but Coach told me that they needed him. All their other receivers were unreliable and their other corners weren't as good.

He was the last one to walk into the locker room. They had a 17-14 lead after the kicker kicked a long field goal to end the half. They came out a few minutes later and Colby and the offense were on first. The game was close throughout the third quarter and well into the fourth.

Colby was exhausted but he wasn't going to come off the field. Clara told me it wasn't even worth asking him. We were now down by four and with three minutes left we needed to score a touchdown on this drive which started on the 13 yard line.

The first two plays were run plays and they got a first down. Adam threw a pass to Colby and he took it for fifteen yards. The clock was still running and they didn't have long left. With 30 seconds left they were on the opposition's 30 yard line. Adam aired out a pass to Colby.

Colby caught the ball but then got tackled to the ground and landed on his left shoulder. The stadium was completely silent again. Someone offered Colby a hand and he was cradling his left arm to his chest.

Coach called a timeout and the offense came to the side lines. Coach was trying to get Colby to come off but he wasn't having it. They had 24 seconds to get 19 yards. Colby was not in a good shape but there was no way he was coming off.

They got a first down but it took two plays and 12 seconds. On first and goal they ran it and it meant they had 3 seconds to get it into the end zone. The ball got snapped and Colby was running a slanted route into the end zone. Adam threw him a pass and he caught it for the touchdown. The extra point was good but it didn't matter.

Colby was the first one off the field and he was still cradling his left arm. The medic approached him and started to inspect his shoulder. Clara and I joined them and congratulated him on the win. The team was all really excited with winning States.

The medic touched his injured shoulder and he let out a string of curse words.

"It has separated which will take about a couple of weeks to heal," the medic said.

Colby thanked him and joined the rest of the team celebrating. I was glad that I came down to watch the game because it was so good to see him play. He was amazing.

Colby disappeared for a while and I stood on the outside of the group since I wasn't really part of the team. He and Clara joined me after a while. Someone had found a sling for Colby and he was making the most of it.

A man and a woman came over with Adam and I guessed that they must be Colby's parents. He just glared at them. I noticed that Clara had a tighter grasp on him in the hope that he wouldn't do anything stupid.

"What are you doing here?" Colby asked.

"We came to watch you," his Mom said.

"You mean you came to watch Adam. You didn't even ask if I'm alright," Colby snapped.

"You just fell on your shoulder. It's not that bad," his Dad said.

"I have a fucking separated shoulder. It's not great."

"It doesn't really matter. It's your last football game."

"I'm going to Alabama. I have to play next year."

"I don't really care," his Dad said.

Colby looked shocked and he stood up and ran off the field. Clara glared at his family and followed Colby after gesturing for me to follow her. We found Colby sitting outside the locker room. He had his knees pulled to his chest so we sat on either side of him.

It was only once I sat down that I noticed that Colby had tears running down his face. I glanced at Clara and I could see that she was just as surprised. I guessed that Colby wasn't one to let his emotions out. We didn't say anything for a few minutes.

"Are you alright?" Clara asked.

Colby wiped his eyes and just shrugged.

"I'm just a bit sick of it I guess," he muttered.

We didn't talk for a while and the rest of the players came down the hallway to walk into the locker room. Colby wiped his eyes again and stood up to walk into the locker room with the rest of his team.

"I'm guessing that is new from Colby," I said.

"Yeah, he is usually very closed," Clara said and picked herself up.

I nodded and we headed out to the bus. I said goodbye to Clara and Colby because I had to head home and I couldn't wait to see them later,


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