Chapter 18

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Colby's POV

Everyone piled onto the bus and it was loud so I put my headphones on and stopped listening to everyone else. It was a long trip and we missed most of the day of school. I could see that we were getting close and we headed straight to the stadium.

Everyone was ready to go out onto the field and Coach was just finishing giving advice to everyone for the game. He pulled me aside and we started to talk.

"I know that you didn't have to play receiver last week but this is a better team so I might put you on if we are trailing by too much," he said.

I didn't groan aloud but I wasn't pleased. I didn't like playing receiver but I knew that the team needed to win so I was willing to do it. Adam led us out onto the field and the three of us headed to the centre for the toss.

Calvin called it and they won so they wanted to receive. I relayed this information back to Coach and it meant that I was on the field with the special teams. Our kicker kicked off and they called a fair catch. The rest of the defence joined me on the field to really start the game.

The first play was a rushing play and I was covering a receiver deep down the field. The play after was a short screen play to the other side of the field. This got them a first down. As soon as the quarterback got the ball he was looking down the field.

I was running as fast as I could down the field. The receiver was pretty much running down the side lines and the ball was slightly overthrown. He jumped into the air and made caught the ball but I pushed him out of bounds before he could land.

They got further down the field and were in field goal range. I moved into the safety position and someone else took my cornerback spot. We were blitzing and I was on the far right. No one was blocking me and the quarterback couldn't get the pass away before I sacked him.

I didn't get many sacks but I was still pleased when I got one. This moved them out of field goal range and they had to punt. I came off the field and high-fived a couple of my teammates before I took a seat on the bench.

The offense was looking better than it had but Adam's passes were still getting dropped and they went three and out. I was pretty sure that I was going to be playing both sides of the ball in a couple of sets.

We were soon down 14-0 after two more three and outs by the offense and they got two touchdowns. Coach looked at me and I knew that I was going on with the offense. I pulled my helmet on and joined the huddle. Adam called the running play and it got handed off to Calvin for a gain of four.

I got the next pass and gained eight yards for the first down. We managed to march down the field for a touchdown which Calvin ran for. We won the game 28-20 in the end for another win.

I ran into the Alabama scout at the end of the game before I headed into the locker room. He had a smile on his face and I hoped that that was good news.

"I was very impressed with your game and we want you to come and look around the college," he said.

"I think that I will be able to make it next weekend," I said with a bright smile.

He promised to call me to sort out the details once I had talked to my parents about coming. I couldn't get the stupid smile of my face even after he headed out of the stadium. I headed back out onto the field to go talk to Clara.

"I thought that you were going and getting changed because you smell really bad," she teased.

"I just talked to the Alabama scout and he wants me to come visit next weekend and see the college," I told her.

She hugged me tightly and kissed my cheek.

"I'm so proud of you. They will definitely want you," she said and then pushed me back towards the locker room.

I think that we had booked out most of the motel and we all got paired up and given a motel room. I was paired with Calvin and I knew that that was done on purpose. It was a small room with two single beds and that was just about it.

I claimed the bed closest to the door and stretched out. We were both tired especially me because I spent most of the game running up and down the field. The other team knew that I was playing a lot so I was always covering the player who was doing a deep route.

Calvin was in the bathroom and I changed and curled up in bed. I don't know how long I lay there for but I couldn't fall asleep even though I was so tired.

I knew that Calvin was already asleep so I snuck out of the room. It was silent outside as everyone else seemed to be asleep as well. I knew that I shouldn't leave the motel so I headed around the back and sat down.

It was cool outside and I welcomed it. I had already called Grandma and it was nice to talk to her. She was going to come and visit us in a couple of weeks. I didn't have anyone else to talk so I just sat there and had time to think. My phone vibrated and I got a text from Clara.

I saw you leave. Where are you?

I told her where I was and she came and joined me a few minutes later. She was wearing sweatpants and one of my black hoodies.

"When did you get my hoodie?" I asked.

She just smiled at me and sat down beside me. She rested her head on my shoulder and we just sat in silence.

"I thought that you would have crashed after the game," she said.

"I just couldn't sleep for some reason," I said.

"Come stay with me. It is warmer than out here and I have a room to myself," she offered.

I didn't say anything but I nodded. I followed her to her room. It wasn't a very big bed so we were incredible close. I had started to get used to being around Clara and I liked it. I suddenly felt sleepy and I drifted off to sleep.

I woke at the same time I usually do to go for my run but I didn't want to go for a run because I might get lost. And I didn't want to let go of Clara. I lay there until Clara started to wake up.

"I should probably go back to my room," I told her.

"But I don't want to let go of you," she moaned.

I laughed and started to pull myself away from her.

"I'll see you later," I said as I left the room.

Calvin was already awake and he was texting while sitting on his bed.

"I thought that you got eaten by the monsters," he teased.

I just ignored him and changed as we were going to meet on the bus in a couple of minutes. It seemed to take forever to get everyone onto the bus because most people were half awake. I took a window seat and I started to fall asleep again.

I was thinking about the trip to Alabama. I had to convince my Dad of it first and I wasn't looking forward to it because I didn't know what he would say. All I knew was that I was going to be going not matter what he said.


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