new chapter

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I AM BOOOOOOOOOORED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you were wondering, yes that is my excuse for this chapter. I had to do SOMETHING fun, seriously, this much boredom does weird things to my imagination

While Sharkie was taking his nappy nap I snuck onto his head and hid in his blue hair. I giggled softly and clutched at his hair as he got up and started walking around. Due to my ninja sneakiness he didn’t notice me on his big fat head.

Sharkie is heading for a door. I crouched low into Kisame’s hair.

Bang! My head went into the door.

“OWIE!” I whined. “That hurt.”

“Who’s there?” Sharkie spun around and I nearly fell off his head.

I yanked Sharkie’s hair. “Owie. That hurt you meanie!”

Sharkie started head-banging. It was fun but I nearly fell of his head.

Mommy Konan walked in and gave me a weird look when she saw me on Kisame’s head.

I smiled and waved at Mommy Konan.

She shook her head and laughed.  Mommy walked away.

Deidra ran in screaming about how someone had dyed his hair neon pink.

“Well now your true nature comes out.” Hidan said.

“Whats that supposed to mean?” Blonde number 1 screamed at blonde number 2

“It means we all knew you were a bitch.” Blondie number 2 said.

“I’m going to blow you up!” Blondie number 1 said.

“Just try it you bastard!” Blondie number 2 screamed.

I giggled hysterically when the two blondes started slapping each other. Blondie war!

I heard loud yelling.

“To the source of the yelling sharkie-horsie!” I yelled yanking at Sharkies hair.

“OW!” Sharkie yelled, but he went to the yelling. It wasn’t actually yelling. It was just The Emo King Uchiah headbanging and singing along to his emo music. Emo crazy mass killer Uchiah.

“Is something wrong with Weasel?”

Kabuto walked by.

“Kabuto!” I yelled. “Something is wrong with the weasel!”

“What weasel?” Kabuto asked me, smiling.

“That emo weasel!” I pointed at the Emo Uchiah Weasel.

The wall went boom. What it revealed will traumatize me forever: Kakuzu in a tutu doing ballet. That guy was HAIRY! AND OLD! AND HAIRY!






“Whats wrong with the kid?” Kakuzu stopped dancing to ask.






“I don’t know.” Kisame said after an hour of trying to get me off of his head. “Lets ask Kabuto, he’s the expert not me.”

“Lets ask Orochimaru then.”







I bit Kisame and ran for it. I ran into my blankies and hid under their warm fluffy safeness then clutched all my soft fluffy toys close. They’d protect me from the scary creatures that wanted to eat my cute deliciousness.

Mommy walked in with the baby.

I curled up next to her.

Mommy would protect me from the scary monster under the bed. Aha! I poked my head under the bed, blew a raspberry at the monster hiding there then snuggled up with mommy before it could eat me. Hehehe. I win this time scary monster!

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