Adopted by the Akatsuki 12

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(okay, my friend finally found out which story i was writting....second challege...what song was i listening to while iwrote this? -inside joke!- and also, pay attention to this chapter, i said i'd reveal some of her past later on right? well here's the first flashback the flashback is in whatever you call this font or whatever, but when you see this, its the flashback. i ran out of ideas! tell me what you think!

i spent some time doing origami with Konan, that is until i heard the bloodcurdling screams from outside the door.. what the hell?

"i didn't mean to! i swear! it wasn't my fault! she did it!" a frantic voice screamed, a man.

"How dare you blame me?! its your fault the boy found out!" a woman screeched.

"where is the boy now?" Pein's voice was soft as silk, smooth with poison and slippery with menace.

"We don't know!" the man and the woman screamed at the same time.

"i tire of your games." Pein said.

inhumane screams filled the air, and then one of the screams cut off in  sickening gurgle sounds...i think the people were trying to speak.... the gurgles cut off in sickening coughing noises. dead silence.

i looked over at Konan, terrified.

she hugged me close and promised me that it was nothing i needed to worry about.

i broke down crying for some reason. "he killed them!" i gasped out.

"he had to," Konan whispered to me softly.

"why?" i demanded. why had Pein killed two innocent people?

"You wouldn't understand." Konan told me. "your still to young."

my body started to shake. was i next? was he going to kill me to?

Konan promised me that i would be fine and told me again and again that i was still to young to understand why Pein had killed those two people. i refused to believe her. i jerked out of her grasp and ran to my room. i slammed the door shut and collapsed on my bed, hot salty tears flowing down my from my eyes onto my cheeks and pooling into my pillow like a waterfall falls into a stream and then is stopped by a reservoir.

 i don't know why i'd reacted that way. their deaths had been relatively humane compared to what i'd seen Zetsu and Hidan do. my body convulsed as i thought back to the first time i'd seen Zetsu eat someone...the first time i'd seen Hidan perform a sacrifice.... suddenly i couldn't breathe. i ran from the room. i ran outise and hid in the woods. the only person know knew these woods better than me was Zetsu. he'd built me a tree-house once.... i went there. i climbed up the steps and broke down crying there. i don't know why that death affected me so much.

it was raining. something was wrong. the house was empty. all the lights were out. i ran to mommy and daddy's room. i let out a small scream, but the man didn't notice, i locked eyes with my mommy one last time, she gave me the saddest smile i'd ever seen, my father mouthed something to me that i didn't catch, there was a flash of blue, it shot through mommy and daddy. mommy screamed.. daddy got up and hit the man, he told me to run. the man spun around to look at me, the man lunged at me, he grabbed me by the throat, it hurt, he made it hard for me to breathe. mommy let out a scream again. daddy attacked the man, i went flying into the wall. it hurt, my hand was twisted in a scary way that wasn't normal. i ran and ran. i ran to my room. i piled all my stuffed animals and blanket on my bed and hid inside my soft warm fortress. i'd thought i was safe there. i'd thought i'd be protected. the scary man showed up again.he grabbed me by the wrist, i squirmed but i was just to small and to weak to defend myself. i was just a baby. 'why did you kill my mommy? why did you kill my daddy?" i screamed. the man turned to look at me. his eyes were ice. "you're to young to understand." the man said, but then he continued. "one day, one day, you'll remember what happened, one day, you'll understand the favor i did you by killing them. you'll understand the fate that i saved you from. you think i just killed your parents for no reason, but no, i had a reason. i had to stop that power, from being passed on, to youlittle girl. you'll understand when you're older. that power will only destroy you, so i'm destroying you power before it destroys you. i'm going to take this night away, it will all go away, you won't remember, until you awaken that power.... until then little girl." the man said, then he set my body on fire. after what seemed like forever the fire stopped. "you'll remember your past when your power awakens, but i will know little girl. and the day that your power awakens, i will come back to kill you. i'll finish the job i started. i can't kill you now because you still don't have that power, but the second that you awaken that power, you have my word little girl, i will hunt you down and kill you. you cannot run from me. you cannot hide from me." with that the man released me. i ran. i ran like hell. i ran as fast as i could. my parents lived far away from the village, i had to get there soon. the man showed up again. "i'm sorry, but i can't have you alerting anyone. i can't let you live with these memories, that is, until you awaken  your power. the man pressed a cloth agaist my face, the smell burned in my nose and hurt my throat, i was weak, it was getting dark. " i will kill you once you awaken that power. you will die by my hand girl." the world went black.

the memory left me soaked in sweat and cold. i passed out soon after that.

when i came to Konan was stroking me gently. she said two words. "you remembered."

i nodded weakly.

"as it happens, that man is also an enemy of the Akatsuki. he will be taken care of." i hadn't noticed Pein until he spoke, but he wasn't speaking to me, he was talking to Itachi, who nodded. Pein turned to me and addressed me. "you are the weakest member of the Akatsuki, but you can learn. you can get stronger. i am familiar with the Jutsu of your Clan, i will help you master it." he told me.

"wha jutsu?" my voice was small, weak.

"the Jutsu of your Clan. the Jutsu that allows you to read minds." 

(idk what the Clan name is....anybody got any ideas? it sounds lame to call them 'the mind reading clan'. send me a message with whatever name you came up with, i'll pick one of them....sorry, i can't think of anything so i'm leaving it to you guys, the fans that have stuck with me this far though this random thing)

"i can't read minds...." i whispered softly.

"yes you can, you just need to master it. close your eyes and concentrate." Pein told me.

i did as he said, everything seemed th same, aside from this little buzzing sond in th back of my brain.... i tried to go there.....

she's to weak, Pein broke the news to her to soon, she's still to young to handle what happened to her Clan. Kabuto should wipe her memory....give her a little longer to have some innocence....

"i lost my innocence a long time ago Konan...i'm not weak..." to my horror i realized after the words were out of my mouth that i'd just read her mind. no, i refused to believe it.

i did the same thing, but this time i tried going for Pen's mind. through his mind i discovered that he knew tha Itachi had known my parents.

i tried to find itachi's mind....i'd been named after my mother.... her name had been Juliana as well.... Itachi had gone to school with my father....he'd been present at their wedding....he was my fathers best man...

it was hard to get his thoughts, it was as if he was blocking them from me. i was to weak to maintain the Jutsu any longer anyways. exhausted i wavered between consciousness and unconsciousness.

Pein asked if i'd found anything out.

"best man...itachi...the wedding...." the effort was to much and my world went black, but not before i'd gotten one last piece of information from Itachi's mind. he'd promised my dad dad had made his promise on his life...Itachi had agreed....

the effort was to much and my world went black.  i had one last thought before i drowned in the darkness....itachi had been my father's best man, maybe i could ask him about dad....

my world went black.

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