Adopted by the Akatsuki 18

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that night i didn't sleep. when i did scary things flashed through my mind. by now we were back at the base, the camping trip over. every-time i closed my eyes scary images flashed through my mind. i couldn't sleep. i kept my eyes open, i was scared of the monsters that showed up when i closed my eyes. i sat up in bed, curled into a tight ball, the wall was hard, solid, cold, even though i was wearing my jammies.

the room was dark, the shadows were playing tricks on me, the closet door was open just a crack, just enough for the monsters to watch me. there wasn't a window in my room so the only way in and out of my room was through the door. the door locked from the inside, it had provided sanctuary when HIdan had come after me. he knew that if he destroyed anything Kakuzu would come after him for making him have to buy something new.

i hadn't locked the door.

the door opened.

i let loose the most inhumane scream anyone had ever heard. Pein was the first one to get  to my room, he probably thought that someone had broken in and tried t kidnap me-i tell you it wouldn't be the first time that had happened-and instead found Hidan in my room.

Itachi showed up a moment afterwards and asked Hidan what he was doing.

Hidan said that he was going to kill me.

i hid under my blankie and put my pillow up as a force-field to protect me again Hidan's wrath.

as if on cue there was an explosion and people in really weird green uniforms showed up-by now i was covering behind the dresser- and then all hell broke loose. it was all out war between the people that had broken in and the Akatsuki.

i couldn't tell what was happening,it was dark and everyone was moving really fast.

the only thing i did notice was that somebody grabbd me and pressed something sharp into my throat. kunai knife.

"stop it or i kill her." the guy said.

everyone froze, it lasted for about three seconds, before Kisame, Deidera, White Zetsu, Orochimaru, Hidan, and Kabuto broke down laughing.

"You fail at picking hostages you bastard!" Hidan said beetween laughs. "No one cares if that kid dies! if you killed her, you'd be doing us all a favor, so by all means, kill the runt."

everything that happened next was a blur. someone hit me in the gut, making me gasp, my vision became a blur, and i crumpled on the ground. i couldn't see. everything was blurry. about a minute later my vision cleared.

there were a bunch of dead bodies littered across the floor, and there was blood all over the roof and walls of my room.

Pein told Zetsu to 'dispose' of the bodies and then told Hidan to clean the mess up.

"Why the hell do i have to clean it up? why can't i go after them?" Hidan screamed.

"we're not going to start a war, tempting as it is." Itachi said coldly.

Konan picked me up and then the world became a blur. it took my eyes a while to adjust to the darkness. i hadn't really been outside at night a lot, but it was cool. everything looked purply-and blueish now that the sun was gone. the sky was deep dark blue, the moon was pale and silvery against the deep dark blue sky.

i climbed up a tree and looked up at the sky. Koan jumped up to the branch above me in one leap. i stared up a the dark sky and the silvery moon. we were near a little lake, that mean that my little tree was nearby here.

 i went looking for it, careful to feel around with my fingers so that i would't squash my tree. my tree had a few leaves now, but that was it. i smiled at the little tree. it was just like me. small, unsure, weak, and basking in the shade of the bigger tree's, relying on the bigger trees to keep it safe.

i fingered the little tree. it had a few leaves now. i smiled, happy that my tree had not been trampled by the scary-ninja that had attacked us for no reason. i looked around, i looked at the big strong trees that surrounded my little one. we were both the same, small weak, and surrounded by bigger stronger trees-people in my case-and growing up in the shade. that thought made me happy.

i stayed there for a while, watching my little tree.

i heard weird rustling so i zipped up a bigger tree and looked around. i didn't see anybody nearby. it could have just been one of those creepy-crawlies that roamed around in the night. a pure white dove landed on my shoulder, it looked at me with curious black eyes. i stared back at it.

the birdie flew away, i followed the birdie, intrigued by its strange behavior. it kept circling around a spot on the ground, i dug it up, and to my utter disbelief, it was a photo. it was a photo of my parents. what was it doing out here? who had buried it? had it been Itachi?

snap, snap, snap!

i grabbed the photo and scurried up a tree. i kept staring at the photo. it was my parents, they were smiling in the photo, my dad had a hand around my mom, my moms free hand was caressing her swollen belly. i just kept staring at that photo, i had no idea how it had gotten there, but i'd found it. i kept staring at it, fingering my mommy's swollen belly, fingering me.

i guess i was an idiot because i didn't think the photo was a bomb until it exploded and sent me flying into a tree. i landed in its higher branches and got stuck. a few more bomb went off and then i heard voices asking who had triggered the bomb.

some brainiac decided that it had been set off on purpose and they started searching for the person who had set it off. as if on cue Deidera showed up and told them that they didn't know how to make art with an explosion-un- and that he was going to show them what true art was-un-and then he blew them up.

i put the photo in my pocket and went back to my room. i stared at the photo for a really long time, wondering how it had gotten there, who had buried it, and why.

a million questions were swimming around in my head.

i made sure it was safely hidden in my pocket and then went to my room. there was a little hidden compartment in my dresser that had always been there, and that's where i hid the photo.

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