Adopted by the Akatsuki 16

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the ghost was really stupid because it was talking to me in some really weird language that i didn't understand. i think the ghost was angry with me, i don't know-i don't speak ghost. after talking to me for around three minutes the creepy ghost disappeared. i wondered why the ghost didn't speak English. could the dead not learn anymore? or was it that the ghost just hated the English language for some reason? i have to admit, the English language was a very confussulling one. it confussuled me a lot-i made those words up, they're not real words!-

everyone was talking, wondering why that ghostie had come here, how it had found us, and what it was-its a scary ghostie, duh!-they talked about it for a long time. i climbed u- a tree and looked for the talking ghostie. i couldn't find the ghostie. maybe Zetsu had scared it away.

as if one cue the ghostie came back while i was playing in a tree.

"HI GHOSTIE!" i yelled.

"beware....." ghostie said. "beware...."

"beware of what ghostie?" i asked.

"you're parents left you many things, they passed on to your their ability to read minds, be careful with who's mind you go into, because not all minds are pretty, and some secrets are better left hidden. sometimes things are kept locked away for specific reasons." the ghostie said. "think of what your parents would have wanted." with that, the ghostie disappeared.

confused, i went back to the tent and sat there, trying to figure out what the ghostie had meant by those words. they didn't make sense.

Konan was already in the tent. she asked me what had happened.

"a ghostie said scary things." i told her.

"ghosts aren't real." Konan told me.

"ghosties are real,one of them talked to me." i told her.

"what did it say?" she asked me.

" ghostie said. 'you're parents left you many things, they passed on to you their ability' and then ghostie said, 'think of what your parents would have wanted' then ghostie went bye-bye." for some reason i didn't tell her everything.

"what do you think it meant by that?" Konan asked me.

"i dunno. ghostie's words scare me." i admitted


"i don't know mommy and daddy. i don't know what they wanted from me." i whispered, my eyes stung as i tried to hold back the tears. i would never know what mommy and daddy had thought of me, or what they had wanted of me.

the words that the ghostie had said kept ringing in my ears. i hadn't told Konan everything, i don't know why i'd kept some it from her, it just didn't seem right to trust her with what the ghostie had said to me until i understood what the ghostie had said. i thought the words over again and again.  what the ghostie had said scared me. what had the ghostie meant?

sorry its so short...i'm running low on inspiration today.....

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