Adopted by the Akatsuki 8 road trip

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there's a name to this chapter! and you know what that means!THANK YOU thamisunderstoodfor this isane idea! i had to tweak it a litlle, so, how did i do?

Pein gave me an hour long lecture about how i was the weakes one here... i had to get strong... blah...blah.... more blah... blah....bleh...bleh....bleh....bleh...blah....blahbiddy....blah.....

so the guys tried to 'train' me. (if you could call it that) and it just ended in chaos. Itachi threw a fireball at me, i dodged it, the fireball hit Deidera square in the hair and now his head was on fire while Madara frantically searched for his Tobi mask, Kisame threw a wave of water at Deidera and it splashed Sasori's puppet, Sasori let out this epic war cry and charged at Kisame, Kakuzu punched Sasori square in the chest, Hidan stabbed Itachi, Itachi put Hidan under a Genjutsu and his Amateratsu was mis-aimed so Kisame's Samehada was covered in black flames, Pein used his Almighty Push and only suceeded in spreading the black fire, well, Zetsu heard to commotion, and i can only tell you that he was  DISTRAUGHT that his garden had been destroyed, he was holding a vine-his wife? his kid?- and sobbing over it, then HIdan showed up and nearly killed us all with the god damn jeep....

"TOBI LET GO OF ME!!!!!!!"  Tobi ran to the garage that i never knew they had, there was big shiny red jeep parked there, brand-new by the looks of it and we both got into it. Tobi took of the mask and now he was officially Madara, hotwired the jeep and we were off. the first thing Madara did with the jeep was run Hidan over with it.

"HOW DID THE KID GET MY JEEP?" Pein screeched. Then he spotted Madara. his Rinnengan eyes flashed with rage, but Madara used his teleportation jutsu.

"HEY! WE'RE IN THE SKY!" I screamed.

gravity was evil and dropped us. the impact was bouncy, and there for some reason this EVIL BAG exploded from the car and started trying to kill me.

Madara saved me from its evil clutches.

i ran out of the jeep and started on my new mission: building the words biggest sandcastle-dude, i'm in the desert, argo LOST AND LOST OF SAND!

i built my castle.

my castle was lonley and started to crumble away because it was so sad and lonely. so i built some sand-turtles, and then i bult The Great Wall of Sand to protect my queendom. The Great Wall of Sand was stupid and caved in on me.

Pein showed up out of nowhere and shot Madara through the chest with a gun. sparkly red crap exploded from Madara's chest.


Tobi decided to hold me hostage.

we went back to the lair and all hell had broken loose.

i ran into the base, going for the safety of my bed, but for some reason there was this old creepy dude in my bed. i freaked out. as if on cue the radio turned on  "'cause i know pedophiles will try to rape me," said the raido.


i screamed.

"i'm a terrorist kid.

i take it back.


(you've herd of prince charming right?)

the door exploded into bits, and amongst the rubble, standing brave and tall, all three feet of his smallness making him seem bigger, his black hair coated in shining blood that made his black hair look ever darker, his eyes full of utter horror, in my doorway sood-

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