Chapter Twenty Nine: Beep, Beep, Beeping

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I always hated alarm clocks.

At the orphanage, I had one. It was this annoying, purple, little piece of plastic that rang every morning at seven am. I really, really hated it. I genuinely wanted to smash it against the wall every single day. The darn purple box never failed to get on my nerves. Once I was moved to Braxford, I pledged to never again have an alarm clock. I refused to ever hear that annoying beep, beep, beeping again.

Hence why my groggy self refused to leave my bed due to a constant beep, beep, beeping.

"Why," I groaned into my pillow as I used my other pillow to cover my ears. "It's like four am-wait, what?" My head shot up as I glanced over at my small clock.

3:34 am

My brows knit together in confusion as I stared at the clock. What the heck? I never turned on an alarm, and I definitely would not have set it for 3:34 in the morning.

"Go, go, go!" A shout from the hallway said startling me. I jumped what felt like three feet out of my bed as my heart raced wildly.

"What the-?" That's when it all sunk in. I looked around my room feeling my heart beating wildly against my ribcage.

It wasn't my freaking alarm clock.

It was a freaking siren.

I hurriedly ripped the duvet off of my body. I honestly wasn't even thinking of the psychotic nest of hair on my head or the spaghetti stained sweatpants I had on. I was sprinting to my door. As soon as I opened the wooden door, the siren got about three times louder. People were running down the hallway not even bothering to spare me a glance.

"Hey! What's happening?" I shouted trying to get the attention of someone. No one listened. They were all too busy shouting themselves. "Hey!" I shouted again. Still, no one answered me.

"Run!" A girl with light brown hair shouted as she latched her hand onto my arm. She tugged me down the hallways and stairs as our bodies meshed with people surrounding us.

"What's going on?" I asked again. She didn't answer. Instead, she let my arm go and ran into the embrace of a boy who looked about my age.



"Grey!" Eli? Eli! It was Eli! God bless!

"Eli! Where are you? Eli! Eli!" I hollered over top of the loud cries of distressed pack members and the loud beeping of the alarm. My head whipped around frantically in search of my brother. He's like a freaking giant! Why can't I see him?

"Grey!" He shouted again. I turned to the right as I pushed past people trying to get to him. Can these people not exit the house single file? Will they just chill? It's just an alarm going off at 3:30 in the morning. Right? "Grey!" Eli's voice shouted directly into my ear as a large hand gripped my forearm spinning me around. His eyes stared at me widely. Fear swam at the surface of the blue pools. He seemed extremely tired, and he looked like he was having a hard time standing up as people pushed past the two of us.

"Eli, what's going on?" I asked loudly, but in the moment it was practically a whisper. I could barely hear anything over the siren. Eli ran a hand through his brown hair that was already extremely messy. I could only assume he had been nervously running his hand through it as he was trying to find me.

"They're here, Grey. There's so many of them." Eli looked close to tears. His cheeks were very pale.

"Who's here, Eli?"

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