Chapter Twenty Five: Crimson

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Reuploaded because lots of people couldn't read the chapter. 9/11/16 7:48pm

A week. That's how long it's been since Eli had Kieran moved back to his cell. That's how long Kieran has been howling every single night. That's how long it's been since I've even seen Kieran. A week-one long, exhausting week.

After everything went down in Lock Nine, I drug myself back up to my room. I sobbed and sobbed for hours until that sadness turned to anger, and I resorted to just ripping the room apart. I wasn't sure if the anger I was feeling was Kieran's or my own, but I was wholeheartedly accepting it. I ripped the curtains from the windows, tore apart the fluffy, white pillows, punched about seven holes in the walls, and shattered the mirror in my bathroom.

Eli was not happy about it at all. In all honesty, I think it kind of scared him.

Eli had me moved to another room until they could get mine cleaned up. The new room he placed me in was eerily similar to the last one. Creamy white walls, a connected bathroom, wooden floors, a large, queen-sized bed covered with a navy blue and light grey comforter-almost exactly the same. Although it was the same, I hated it two times more. The empty closet made me feel like I was in another place that I would never call home. I was just there for a little while. It wasn't really mine. I was just filling the space.

I will admit, the bed in the new room was much comfier. That was the only thing I missed about the room when I moved back into my old room three days later.

That same day I had begged Eli to let me see Kieran. I had been hearing his howls all through the night making my wolf and I yearn for him. I didn't know the exact reason for his constant howling, but I wasn't going to make him stop. To most people, Kieran's howling was probably the most obnoxious thing they'd ever heard, but not to me. Hearing Kieran made butterflies erupt in my stomach. It comforted me knowing he was still down there. His howling actually helped me sleep through the night-even through all of the nightmares.

As I had said, I begged Eli to let me see Kieran. Eli refused to let me down in the cellars, though. He seemed extremely off about something ever since he had placed Kieran back in his cell. All week he kept saying that we should just stop going down to see him. Obviously, I objected. Then, I threw a small tantrum causing Eli to agree on taking me down to see Kieran at the end of the week.

Since then I've been just sitting in my room or aimlessly roaming the pack house. I saw Reagan, again. I met her mate, too. His name is Maverick, and he's a really nice guy. He's a lot nicer than Jale and Trevor considering all three of them are best friends. Well, that's what Reagan tells me.

Other than that, I've resorted to being a lone wolf the past week. Staying out of people's ways and hoping they stay out of mine.

Currently, I was very much succeeding in that. Eli, being the dear he is, brought me some coloring books yesterday. It sounds childish that a seventeen year old girl would be passing time by coloring in a children's coloring book, but it didn't bother me. I colored a lot in the mental hospital. It calmed me down.

I was coloring a cartoon mouse's left ear a light blue when a knock sounded against my bedroom door. I slowly raised my head to look at whoever was about to enter the door.

"Come in?" I said aloud. I wasn't used to people knocking. Usually, they just walked in unannounced.

The door slowly opened. The blonde-haired beauty entering the door making my eyes widen. Her brown eyes were fixed on me as a smile graced her flawless face.

"Uh, hi," I mumbled not sure of what else to say to her. The last time I had spoken to Stiletta, Kieran marked me and snapped my neck.

"Nice to see you again, Arden," she greeted sweetly. She walked gracefully over to me and stood in front of my bed. I was currently laying on my stomach with the book laying in front of me as a mass of colored pencils were scattered around my bed. "Can I sit?" Stiletta asked.

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