Chapter Twenty Three: Panic! In The Ear Drum

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Elijah did not agree on taking me to see Kieran. Every time that I asked, he would ignore my plea and just say how 'unsafe' the situation was. Eli wouldn't tell me what Lock Nine was, either. All that I knew of it was that whatever treatment the wolves go under in the room, causes them to come out crazy-totally psychotic to the point that they often times kill themselves. Eli assured me twice that Kieran would not be tortured as far as wanting to kill himself, but based on how Eli seemed so reluctant on letting me go down to Lock Nine, I couldn't find it within myself to believe him.

I decided after three hours of begging and not getting a change of opinion from Eli, that I would just be trooper and find Lock Nine myself. This only resulted in Trevor hauling me back to my room. I made it all the way down to the cellar floor by myself when he caught me trying to creep past the interrogation room. Luckily, he only gave me a warning saying that he made a promise to keep me safe. I assume that he knew by telling Alex and Greyson that I would be in heaps of trouble, but I still don't completely understand his reasoning. If he told my parents, then I would be in trouble not in danger. I didn't push it, though. I really didn't need them knowing.

Eli found out, though.

He gave me a lecture about how much of an idiot I am. That didn't stop me from trying to go down and try to find Lock Nine again. Eli stopped me as I was just about to enter the cellar floor.

Eli soon realized that I was definitely not going to let anyone stop me from seeing Kieran. First of all, I needed to make sure he was okay. Second, I needed to know what Lock Nine was. The not knowing was eating me alive.

Thankfully, I can count on Elijah to be a nice, helpful big brother and get me down to see Kieran-note the sarcasm. No, but in all honesty, with my new vote of confidence (thanks to Kieran and his mark) I straight up told Eli that he could lock me away like freaking Rapunzel, and I would still try to find a way to see Kieran.

Much to my pleasure (and Eli's displeasure), Eli didn't take any chances with my threat/bluff placing us in our current situation.

Its probably about four in the morning, I want to say. I already knew most pack members would be asleep except for the unlucky few who had border patrol. Other than that, the entire house was pretty much silent. Pack house curfew was at eleven pm, and pack members could not 'disrupt the peace' until nine am. This ultimately meant that you just watch reruns of really, really old shows like Hannah Montana and iCarly in your room until like one, pass out, wake up, creep down stairs, and silently watch the news until nine where you can then begin to actually breath.

I followed Eli through the cellar floor, but instead of heading directly to the cells holding Marilyn and Bolton, we made a right. That lead us to an entirely new door which then opened up to another hallway. The hallway itself wasn't long. There were two doors half way down the hall. One on the left, and one on the right. Eli lead us into the one on the right and began rummaging around in a cabinet. The room was bland as could be with grey walls and grayish looking chairs. A black, metal desk sat in the room as well as a black, metal cabinet that Eli was currently digging through.

"Where the hell-I know I-wup-got'em," Eli murmured to himself. He turned around to face me with a look that I was all too familiar with. It was his 'I can't believe I'm actually helping you do this' look. I rolled my eyes and took notice of the objects in his hands.

"Ear plugs?" I questioned staring at the fancily high-tech-looking ear plugs.

"No," he drug out, "well, kind of." He handed a pair of 'kind of ear plugs' to me which I greedily took. I examined the small gadgets understanding what he meant by they were 'kind of ear plugs'. It was obvious that you shoved the two contraptions in your ears, but they didn't look like that's all they were for. They almost reminded me of a hearing aid as strange as it sounds.

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