Chapter Five: Wolfy Has No Chill

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The shower was nice, but I couldn't find a toothbrush, so I just put the tooth paste in my mouth with some water a wooshed it around before spitting it out.

The clothes Marilyn had given me were interesting. The shirt that she gave me was a bit loose due to the two weeks lack food and my lack of actual boobs, but it fit. The sweatpants said Pink on the side, but they were actually an army green color. It confused me, but I didn't bother asking her. The bra she had given me was too big for me, and I think the pair of underwear was too small. They didn't really fit me like normal underwear.

No one was in the kitchen when I went down there. All that sat on the table was a plate. On it was a toasted cheese sandwich with some fries.

My mind told me to take the opportunity to jump out a window and haul ass out of here, but something inside of me said otherwise. I already knew it was her.

I took a seat at the small table. I poked the sandwich with my fork as I inspected the plate of food. A part of me knew that Kieran would never hurt me as evil as he may seem, but another part told me that I couldn't really trust anyone.

I'd just met these people days ago, and it's only because one of them drug me here while I was half-dead.

Then again, they are helping me. I'd lived my entire thinking I was insane when in reality I was just some giant dog, which doesn't sound much better, but at least I wasn't insane.

"You think he'd actually try poisoning you?" And unfamiliar voice said breaking me away from my thoughts. I stopped poking at the food and turned to the mysterious voice.

It was the man who growled at me when I went to find Kieran. The voice in my head let out a feral growl. She was angry. I already knew that. I didn't have time to react as I felt everything shift from me to her as I flew out of my chair and lunged for the man.

He must have seen it coming because he grabbed my wrists and twisted me around so that my arms were crossed in front of me, and my back was pressed against his front.

I could tell he wasn't worried or even freaked out by what my body was doing. He was strong. That was for sure.

My wolf snarled again when she attempted to free her hands from his grip, but he wouldn't budge. She was stuck and hated it.

I tried telling her to stop, but she seemed to just block me out as my screams were nothing. She let out a huff as she pushed back against him with force that I'd only seen her use one other time. His back collided with a wall instantly putting a dent into it.

The sound was almost explosive as the room practically shook.

His grip on me loosened and my wolf used that time to escape. I would have thought she'd run but instead she launched herself back at him. This time landing a kick to the side of his ribs. She went to do it again but his hand caught my foot and twisted my leg making me fall to the floor.

I wanted control back. I was laying face first against the floor as the man was holding me against the floor. His hands held my wrists against the cold tile while he straddled me.

My wolf didn't exactly want to give up. She was jerking around and snarling. Meanwhile, the man never said a word.

My wolf was so focused on trying to get out from under this man that she hadn't noticed the footstep coming toward us until they were separating her and the man from each other.

Even as Kieran held my body flush against him, she refused to give me control back. I wasn't strong enough to push through.

I felt so useless and weak. I wasn't strong enough to push past the dark part of myself. I felt like an idiot in that moment, but my wolf didn't seem to care as she continued thrashing around trying to escape Kieran's arms in an attempt to get to the man who now stood by a confused Marilyn.

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