Chapter Twenty Six: Rapunzel, Let Down Your Hair

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Nothing worked. No matter how much I tossed and turned. No matter how many sheep I counted, or how many deep breaths I took, I could not fall asleep. The howling that once put me to sleep in seconds now only reminded me of the crimson eyes of the wolf from earlier.

Being the coward that I am, I bolted for the house not sparing the wolf a second glance. Alex and Greyson were still in the kitchen as I ripped the door open and bounded up the stairs to my room which I then locked myself in. I could hear Alex crying. It was haunting me.

Eli must have heard the commotion because soon after his worried knocks sounded on my locked door. I didn't answer hoping he would just assume I were asleep. I was far too much of milksop to mention the shredder encounter to Eli.

What if they locked it away like Marilyn, Bolton, and Kieran? What if it was lost? Then again, the thought did cross my mind of what if it's here to do what Alex claims shredders are made to do? What if it's here to murder not only the entire Cadman Pack but Kieran, Marilyn, Bolton, and myself, too? It felt wrong thinking that way, but what if Alex was right?

It was constant thoughts like these that brought on the memories of the blood-red eyes.

I stared straight ahead of me. My grey eyes making perfect contact with the white ceiling above me. I smoothed my left hand over the left side of the bed remembering how it felt to have Kieran lay with me.

He loved the left side of the bed.

I missed how he would play with my pinky and ring finger while he thought I was asleep. I missed how he would hold my hand while we slept because he knew I wasn't entirely comfortable with him holding me.

Now, I craved to be held by him. I craved to feel his lips on mine again, and his arms around my waist. I craved to hear that annoyingly sexy snarl he always did when Bolton would call me 'princess' or 'babe' just to get on his nerves.

I craved him, but it was only a craving.

Kieran was not going to end up laying next to me in the next minute. He was not going to tell me that my kicks could barely knock over a small, unstable chair. He wasn't going to tell me to go back to sleep for a few more minutes just so that he could spend a little more time holding my hand. Kieran was down in those cellars, and there wasn't much I could do about it. That killed me.

I slowly rolled over to the right seeing as I make sure never to lay on the left side of the bed and read the digital clock on my night stand.

2:47 am

I groaned loudly running my hands down my face as another one of Kieran's howls sounded through the house no doubt driving a lot of people mad.

"2:47? Really?" I asked aloud to literally no one. I turned to look at the clock again seeing the seven turn to an eight. "Jesus Christ, I'm going to bash my head in with this clock," I muttered picking up the clock and squeezing it in my hands. "Break you stupid thing!" I shouted in a whisper. I squeezed a bit tighter causing the screen on the clock to shatter. I smiled triumphantly as I sat the clock back down on the table. My smile turned to scowl as I watched the eight turn to a nine. "I hate you."

I rolled away from the clock and faced the left side of the bed. My hand reached out to once again skim the covers where Kieran should be laying even if it wasn't really our bed.

"I love you, too," I whispered recalling Kieran saying it when he had marked me. "I wish you could hear me say that. I'm not afraid anymore."

Pushing myself to look away from the left side of the bed, I found myself staring back at the ceiling. I sighed staring at the random brush strokes.

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