Chapter Twenty Eight: Inner Serial Killer

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On a scale of one to ten, I'd say I was definitely an eleven on my scale of emotions.

Life was just not in my favor these days. First of all, I get out of the looney-bin just to be assaulted by a wolf-lady. Then, a group of crazy, model-like human beings tell me that I am one of those wolf-things, and that I am eternally bounded to one of them (not that I'm complaining). I literally just start to get settled into the new lifestyle when my freaking parents kidnap us, and hold us hostage. I finally get to see and be in contact with my mate again, but he has to be annoying and snap my neck while marking me, so now we can't see each other anymore. Now, Jale is apparently talking about shipping my mate and his small pack over to the council's custody all the way in freaking Germany. GERMANY.

The thought of it literally had me hyperventilating. It made me want to vomit. I could quite actually imagine myself laying on the floor screaming, crying, murdering anyone around me, and just basically throwing a fit.

Now, of course, this was only a rumor. Something that I've been hearing murmurs about around the pack the past four days. I never actually heard anything about it from Jale, Eli, Alex, or Greyson, but something tells me that they wouldn't tell me any way. The only reason that I've been told for the custody switch being that the three of them, mainly Kieran, isn't exactly held in captivity very well.

In the past week, Marilyn twisted a guard's neck, Bolton dislocated a guard's arm who was trying to give him some food, and broke another guard's rib for reasons that I'm not sure of, and then there's Kieran-oh my beautiful Kieran. Seven. That's how many guards were hurt in some way by him. The one almost quite literally died. I don't even know how Kieran managed to do it, but he literally ruptured the poor man's spleen. How does someone do that?

Eli explained it to me that Kieran was feeling my strength through the bond. It's like how I feel his emotions, but he was feeling my wolf. Apparently, he was using my wolf's power to give him more strength. That explained why he was able to continue howling all night with silver pumping through his system. In all honesty, I don't think silver bothers Kieran much. I don't think Eli does, either.

Kieran, Bolton, and Marilyn's psychotic behavior in the past few days has caused a major increase of guards on the cellar which lead to a decrease of guards watching the border. Eli tried to tell Jale how dangerous it was, but he wouldn't listen. I could see just how much it upset and angered Eli. It angered me, too. The build up on guards in the cellar meant that I was unable to see Kieran.

There was no way I could get down there without being caught.

I've also come to the conclusion that my wolf just hates everyone. She sees mom, she growls. She hears Jale, she growls. She smells Eli, she growls. I literally told my dad bless you the other day, and she screamed at me. The volume of the shout radiating through my mind caused me fall to the floor. My vision blurred while my legs completely gave out. Everyone in the house went into a panic thinking I was going to shift and kill everyone.

I hated to say it, but in a way I wish I did.

I wished that I could shift into one of those big wolves that every other werewolf can. I wanted to feel normal, but I wasn't. I was not a normal human, and I was not a normal werewolf. I wasn't normal. I was a lunatic, and that was the end of it. I couldn't shift. If I could then I wouldn't waste time trying to break Kieran, Marilyn, and Bolton out, but I just couldn't. I was defective.

Anger controlled my actions for the past three or four days. Furious energy was building up within me for this exact moment. I didn't even see it coming when I ripped open the door to Jale's office.

His tall, muscular body was seated at his large desk. A pen moved swiftly in his hand across a piece of paper. He didn't even look up at me as he continued writing on whatever was in front of him.

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