Chapter Two: Wolf-Thingy

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I woke up to a pounding headache and sore muscles. Everywhere.

I squeezed my eyes shut and clenched my teeth at the unfamiliar feeling. I tried pulling my hands down to my face, but they were stopped by something wrapped around my wrists.

My eyes snapped open and immediately flew to my wrists. They were tied to the headboard of a bed by rope. I tried yanking my hands, but that just made the headboard smack off of the wall.

"There's no use in trying," I voice spoke up, startling me. I jumped and searched the room until my eyes landed on the girl who had attacked me.

I didn't say anything. I just sat there with my mouth hanging open. I didn't know what to say. Honestly, I wanted to cry. Just two weeks of freedom, and I was already tied up, again.

"The ropes aren't laced. You're just too weak to break them at the moment. We put silver in your system to weaken you a bit," she explained. I tried focusing on what she was saying, but it just didn't seem to make sense. She didn't make sense.

She sounded like she was trying to seem sympathetic, but her tone was angry. Her calm features made her seem like she was trying to be nice, but her eyes were deceiving. The dark brown orbs seemed to glare at me with intensity.

To me, she seemed as if she were an angel. Her golden hair came down in ringlets just below her shoulders and her high cheekbones were prominent on her pale face. She had a small piercing just above the right of her red lips.

It made me a bit self-conscious knowing that I looked nothing like her. My hair was anything, but angelic. It was a dirty, dark brown that was chopped off at my shoulders. Her eyes looked menacing and deep, mine were just a dull grey that hadn't been bright and vibrant since I was little. Her entire body just screamed femininity, but also power. She had curves like no other person I'd ever seen. Mine just screamed, I haven't eaten in two weeks, but I still manage to have the body of a fifteen-year old boy.

"Am I gonna die in here?" I asked quietly, scared of the answer. She shook her head.

"No," she stated walking over to a chair on the far corner of the room. She looked tired which made me wonder if she had gotten any sleep.

"Am I gonna die at all?" I dared to ask. She huffed and shook her head again. She didn't say anything else, though.

I didn't say anything for a moment. I didn't know what to say. I didn't want her or anyone else who might be here with her to kill me. I just wanted to get out.

"What am I doing here, then?" I asked hesitantly. She looked up at me for a moment. Her dark eyes staring into mine like it was the most normal thing in the world.

"That's not my place to tell you," she said with not a trace of emotion. I didn't know what to say, so I just nodded.

I looked away from her and looked around the room I was in. I could tell it wasn't just some random room. It belonged to someone. There were a few t-shirts on the wooden floor. There was a desk with some pictures, newspaper articles, and random papers push pinned to the wall and scattered on the desk. A shiver ran through me as I looked at the bedside table to see a pistol sitting beside an alarm clock and a lamp.

My snooping was interrupted when the door was opened. Standing in the door was what I'd imagine a God would look like. The voice in my head was humming extremely loud.  I'd be drooling if I weren't tied to a bed in some strange place after being attacked by some wolf-girl.

He had dark brown hair that could have passed as being black. His eyes were a vibrant shade of green which stood out due to his tanned skin. I could clearly tell that he was in shape thanks to the tight black shirt he had on.

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